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Just wanted to say....


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I love 2.7 for hybrid spec. its so great for regstar PvPin'. Dailies as well just go so fast so much AoE,

hard cast TW>FiB>get 3 stacks of presence of mind>Disturbance >insta TW>fast channel Throw.


Its alot nicer then fishing for a proc. i was skeptical at first but i like the change and just wanted to share my enjoyment with you guys.:)

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I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong in the "PTS stack thread". Well, maybe not wrong but I didnt take into consideration the gameplay.


I do by no means think that sage/sorc is OP now, that's why I promoted that if they're going to go with three stacks they might aswell do with one stack. As a statement of its' own I still think that BUT in hindsight I have to say that I should have been against the whole stack mechanic instead.


The stacks have not only made the class incredibly boring to play but it has also lowered the skill cap considerably. Sure, there will still be somewhat of a gap between a good and a bad player but it's much less noticeable in normals. Hence, I hate it and so far I've boycotted both the lightning/madness hybrid and any form of egress hybrid. If anything I'd say that it has pushed me toward full tele because that's still somewhat interesting to play, give or take all the crap games you get where you would have been much better off on any other build.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong in the "PTS stack thread". Well, maybe not wrong but I didnt take into consideration the gameplay.


I do by no means think that sage/sorc is OP now, that's why I promoted that if they're going to go with three stacks they might aswell do with one stack. As a statement of its' own I still think that BUT in hindsight I have to say that I should have been against the whole stack mechanic instead.


The stacks have not only made the class incredibly boring to play but it has also lowered the skill cap considerably. Sure, there will still be somewhat of a gap between a good and a bad player but it's much less noticeable in normals. Hence, I hate it and so far I've boycotted both the lightning/madness hybrid and any form of egress hybrid. If anything I'd say that it has pushed me toward full tele because that's still somewhat interesting to play, give or take all the crap games you get where you would have been much better off on any other build.


All it really did was take away the RNG of it, for any real PvP balance is still top. Tele can be fun if the team you're fighting is bad but overall atleast on harbinger the bads have learned Pebble thrower = KoS. Even in regs im not noticing much of a difference i still steamroll the same bad sages/sorcs, i think the damage numbers you're seeing is due to some change with expertise since damage is up all around it seems, been hitting 11-14k ravages as my juggernaut.

Ive actually seen alot more full tele sages around which is fun for me, interrupt their turbulence and watch em sit there letting you kill them or fail at force waving you off them....Oh how i love regs:p

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You prefer to play unranked because you love farming bad players to get your commendations faster this way ?


Sorry, but I'm merely cynical.


No but since i don't have a regular group for G-ranked im mostly stuck in yoloqueue, Its nice to let off steam by rolling over bad players(Til you run into those premades that troll Regs).


Im already full obroan i dont really plan to rush to upgrade to the next set of gear (save for MH/OH)

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