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Rename storage tabs


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As a long time player I've gathered quite a lot of stuff, and I like to categorize it in the different bays. For example, I use Bay 1 on all my characters for crafting materials and Bay 5 for consumables. But otherwise it differs a lot from character to character what bays 2-4 are getting used for.


I think it would make it much more intuitive, if you could rename the storage tabs to something else than the default Bay 1, Bay 2 etc.

It seems like there would be room enough for 3 extra tabs along the bottom, but we can't utilize that extra space as the max number of tabs is 5. I guess there could be enough space to have a set character limit of 10 characters for each bay, so they could be renamed to "craft mats", "old gear" or whatever you have put away.


I have no idea about how big or small such an addition would be, but I can't imagine it would be excessively hard or ressource demanding to make this happen.

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