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Another LF Guild Thread ;)


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OK, looking for a guild to ultimately raid with.


Native English speaker (old enough to have seen SW IV at the cinema in the 70's :eek: ) living in Europe seeks empire guild (preferably) with GSOH for fun times coupled with a desire to progress.


Experienced MMO'er

- Guild Officer in WoW TBC to end of WoTLK (DK Tank and Disc Priest)

- Currently Raid Leader in Rift since launch (Rogue Tank)

- Multiple other MMO's Aion, EVE, GW2, NW:O, MW:O, Star Trek, TSW


So yes I understand the importance of preparation for raids (consumables + research) and to be excellent to one another in the guild and not bring its name into disrepute whilst gaming.


- Already have TS, Mumble etc installed.


Beta tester for this particular game who left at level 45 due to being part of the 5% group :mad: . Returned recently and now have my Powertech BH knocking on level 51 and Sith Juggernaut to 21


Ideally I'm looking for a guild that I can raid with once I've geared up (I don't expect freebies - you learn as you gear imo), happy to tank, DPS or heal but as I'm collecting the years maybe DPS for a change? Ideally the guild will also participate in PvP WF's etc


Raid start times need to be 8:30-9:00pm CET ideally finishing about 11-11:30pm CET (work is a real kicker for getting in the way of raiding) 3 times a week would be optimal.


Happy to jump sever if needed.

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