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[Research "Non-fiction"] Details about the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant


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Hopefully this is okay to put here, since it could be relevant to any of the Jedi backstories (if you're kind of detail-oriented like me, heh). So, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant is destroyed in 3653 BBY, and it takes three years for the new Temple at Tython to be even started, in 3650-3651. It's subsequently finished in 3647, six years after the Sacking.


Via Wookiepedia, the heroes begin their adventures on their respective worlds in 3643. In the case of the Jedi, the Temple on Tython has been completed for 4 years by that time.


So, here's my question: Where were the Jedi in that interim when there wasn't a Temple? Particularly in the six years between the destruction of the Coruscant Temple and the completion of the Tython Temple? Where did the Jedi spend time reuniting and restoring the council? And in the cases of our characters, many of which would have been young children at the time, where were they taken and trained?


Share what you think! Do you have a Jedi who's backstory is involved with all this? I think this could be a really inspiring discussion about those 'lost' years.

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I've actually three stories that wind up dealing with this or will someday.


"Guiding Lights" is set late 3 ATC, where the Jedi's presence on Tython is just starting. The Temple's incomplete, the gnarls haven't been cleared, and the Flesh Raiders have yet to fully encroach upon Jedi territory.


"No Lords, No Masters" and "The Misfits" take place in 0 ATC, months after the war's end.


For this time, I like to think the Jedi Order as cast off and divided. The Republic didn't want to associate with them after they lost Coruscant to the Sith Empire. The Jedi were forced from their home, but didn't have any others to really fall back on. Given the fact that other institutions and training grounds exist (because the player characters are assumed to be stepping foot on Tython for the first time at the beginning of their stories) there are likely minor Temples located on less populated worlds to reconvene and try and rebuild. But none suited them as a place to call their new home.


The two years spent searching for Tython were probably disorganized, and those who did achieve some modicum of organization most likely did so under heavy scrutiny. The Senate didn't want the Order's help on Coruscant, but neither did they want them turning another world into just another target, so they likely forbade them from settling on any of the more populated/integral core worlds. As such, the Jedi most likely had to fall back to agricultural worlds and colonies, staying out of the spotlight as they tried to reconstitute themselves.


One of the ideas I had, was that many of the Jedi found their homes on military vessels, operating out of capital ships. It would allow the Republic and its military to keep an eye on them as a show of good faith, as well as give them a launching point for sanctioned operations and missions.


Recruitment probably hit an all-time low, as there were feelings of mistrust with the Jedi right after the war. So instead of seeking new students, the Jedi likely focused all efforts on retention and recovery of assets they already had. Communications probably broke down, with the Council providing little answers because in likelyhood they didn't possess any. They were waiting for an answer to come to them through the Force. Meanwhile, everyone below the rank of Master was forced to wait around with nothing to do but try and keep things from getting any worse.


So basically, you have a couple years wandering, a couple years settling in (on Tython or another settlement), and a couple years of actual rebuilding before the Order could be said to be in a serviceable state again. Before then, there probably wasn't any unified vision to follow.

Edited by Osetto
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Hi Charmedseed, fan here! :):sy_galaxy:


Studying wookiepedia as well, to go deep into the intricacies between some of the characters of the Old Republic Era, to write my own story, I read that the one who scouted space and actually rediscovered Tython was none other than... Satele!

After personnaly battling with Darth Baras and having to agree on a personal truce with him, btw.


While the Consular's story arc and the quest The Chamber of Speech give hints of a very ancient civilization of early force users, and early darksiders, and the names Avamarivash the warrior-poet and Maravara the Philosopher King, and especially Rajivari, maker of the First Blade, they never point out that these are actually... the friggin' *Je'daii Bendu Monks*!!!


I have special love for this "Jedi Bendu" thingy as it is where it all started:





(episode one)

“The Star Wars”


George Lucas




January 28, 1975


52 Park Way

San Anselmo

California 94960


“… And in the time of greatest

despair there shall come a savior,

and he shall be known as: THE SON


Journal of the Whills, 3:127





A vast sea of stars is broken as the warm, amber surface of the planet, UTAPAU, emerges from a total eclipse. Five small moons slowly drift into view from the far side of the planet. The MAIN TITLE is followed by a ROLL-UP:


The REPUBLIC GALACTICA is dead. Ruthless

trader barons, driven by greed and the

lust for power, have replaced enlightenment

with oppression, and "rule by the people"



Until the tragic Holy Rebellion of "06",

the respected JEDI BENDU OF ASHLA were the

most powerful warriors in the Universe.

For a hundred thousand years, generations

of Jedi Bendu knights learned the ways of

the mysterious FORCE OF OTHERS, and acted

as the guardians of peace and justice in

the REPUBLIC. Now these legendary warriors

are all but extinct. One by one they have

been hunted down and destroyed by a fero-

cious rival sect of mercenary warriors:



It is a period of civil wars. The EMPIRE

is crumbling into lawless barbarism through-

out the million worlds of the galaxy. From

the celestial equator to the farthest

reaches of the GREAT RIFT, seventy small

solar systems have united in a common war

against the tyranny of the Empire. Under

the command of a mighty Jedi warrior known


won a crushing victory over the deadly

Imperial Star Fleet. The Empire knows that

one more such defeat will bring a thousand

more solar systems into the rebellion, and

Imperial control of the Outlands could be

lost forever...




Concering a ship becoming a "makeshift jedi academy", as I called it, I pointed out in my story "Still looking for the face I had before the world was made" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7350704#post7350704 the fact that there was a time, 300 years before the era of SWTOR, when (again!) the Jedi Order was all but destroyed, and the first seeds of a new generation were trained on the Ebon Hawk. Which had been Revan's ship and was then the ship of his close friend, the one known as the Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik/ the player in Knights of the Old Republic II (and my story heavily revolves around her). She gave training to Atton Rand, Brianna the Last Handmaiden, Mical, Bao-Dur, and Mira, and turned Visas Marr to the light side.


Speaking of seeds, I really dig (seeds! ahah) your stuff. Looking forward to read more of it! :)

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Thank you! I've never read that draft and it's really spectacular. It goes to show how deep Lucas had been into the story before kind of paring it down for film (which was a good choice - different medium, etc etc). I actually have Dawn of the Jedi waiting to be read on my Kindle, but I keep getting distracted by SWTOR fic... hehe.


I ended up touching on this a little with "Only the Force" in the challenge thread by placing Aitahea on Brentaal; when I found I wanted to include Satele Shan in the story as well, on researching more about her I found it was her home planet. It's a minute detail, but it helped to create order in my head, anyway.


Thank you! You're so kind!

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I feel we're on the same page, birdy! :)


I had never heard of the planet Brentaal - I've never read a single EU novel and don't plan to, nor have I read any of the early scripts fully. But I stumbled upon that one first phrase "the Jedi Bendu" years ago and it never left me. I take it as the equivalent of Tolkien one day writing "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." without having any clear idea what that ever meant. I strongly believe that these guys are inspired (...) to create names, very very special names, and then try to see if such name is more fitting for a figure, a location, a behavior... Tolkien ending up creating several different languages around these strange nouns with recurring suffixes and prefixes is kind of a hint that this is where it all starts.


I dig your idea of "grounding" your characters in one meaningful detail, like an easter egg.


I recenlty saw a literary show where the most accomplished writer among the guests, legendary guy, shared his insight that the moment one of your characters starts to surprise you is the moment this character starts having his own subconscious mind - and where magical stuff starts to happen., taking things to a whole new level.


So, YAY Brentaal! :)

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