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The Hard lags my Comp.


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Ok for years i been playing the game, and for years i have had lag. And for years i didn't notice.


I am Running

AMD Phenom II 6x 1100T 3.40 ghz, Turbo 4.0ghz

GTX Geforce 560 TI

Ram 8gb

SATA II 1 TB hard drive.


The Problem, The hard drive. The interface may be 3gbs. But in reality is the read and write speed on my 7200 rpm is only a wonder full 67mbs. Note the max read and write speed for sata II is about 300mbs. Sata 3, is over 500mbs. When the Game try's to get data off my hard drive it lags from the over load. My Monitor recorded everything at 20-40% use. I get to hard drive its 100% when it loads a file from the game. In fact it will tell me the name of the file, say "light_saber.xxx" and the speed "67-68mbs" The game uses the had drive way more then it should. Constenly reloading off the hard drive not useing the ram like it should. Ever time, u enter an area, or some one walks by it reload every file it needs to see that object. In pvp, IT reloads on every player in view. that person leaves view, data deletes, he comes back, data has to be reloaded. So its alomost 100% lag in pvp.


So everyone who wants to be lag free. get a ssd. 250mbs min, read and write speeds.

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