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Taganox: Vision of Peace


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Taganox : Vision of Peace


Note to the reader: This is one of my first things close to a novel. This will have some mistakes as I'm in the 7th grade. Lastly I wanted to thank Irishfino and Adwynth for inspiring me to write this.



Taganox is my Sith Inquistor. A lot of my personality will come through Taganox because he is an expression of myself. I'll post a picture of Taganox later. One last note some of this will be set before Thanaton's defeat and some after. This starts after Taris. I'll try to make it clear which. If you have any questions feel free to ask in this thread.


Warning Sith Inquistor spoilers ahead!


Chapter 1: The List


Taganox had always been odd to Sith. He didn't always wear traditional Sith robes or a mask. Even after Kallig, his ancestor, had begged him to wear his old mask Taganox didn't.


He also secretly believed in all of the Jedi's customs except for two. He believed you should draw power from emotions. Not ones like rage though. Emotions like love.


The other exception is he didn't believe things such as Force Lightning were light or dark. He believed it was how you used it that made it good or bad. As a result Taganox was always very diplomatic. If he didn't have to fight he didn't.


Now that Ashara joined his crew she was quite confused about that. She had always believed all Sith were the stereotypical type that wore frightening masks, ran out of patience quickly, loved lighting or force choke and used the dark side.


Ashara had also been told by Taganox that he plans to change the Empire to a lighter, better, more peaceful faction. He also told her about his desire to be able to change the Empire to a Republic, but keep it separate from The Republic.


Lastly Taganox desired a brighter peaceful future where the Empire and Republic lived in peace.


He could see it now a Imperial Democracy defended by Imperial Knights who would use the light side of the force, but still draw power from emotions. Good ones though like love. Then their would be The Republic with Jedi Knights.Most of all there would be peace.

He wondered if that was possible though as many Sith would think of the change as an abomination.

Taganox decided then and their that if his dream was to become reality he would have to have allies.

"No not just allies friends" he thought aloud.



After calling Ashara to his quarters to discuss his vision, and if Ashara would become his apprentice on the terms that they would be working to change the Empire and that Taganox wouldn't make her go against the Jedi's teachings except for the Jedi's love restrictions because Taganox and Ashara were building a relationship as the lonely days on the ship passed.



On the way to Quesh Taganox lay on his bed lost himself in thought about how and when to change the Empire. One thing was for certain though. This could not happen until the Thanaton mess was over. He decided that he would start trying to find friends and allies that also wanted peace. As Taganox was about to get up Ashara walked in on him.


"Master, Do you think it possible that one day the Empire and Republic could be at peace?"


" Do you want my honest answer or what we both want to hear ?"


Ashara rolled her eyes at her playful master.


Taganox sat up and invited Ashara to sit.


Taganox then said a little more lowly then before "Honestly I don't know, but I do know that no matter what we can ( I would put the D word there, but I'm not aloud. Just put the d word in after can then read.) well try."


After a moment of passionate silence they shared a quick kiss.


"Ashara would you do me a favor?"


" What do you need Master?"


"First stop calling me master. Call me Tag or Taganox."


" Second ?" said Ashara as she giggled about her mentor's unorthodox ways.


" Second I need you to make a list of Sith who could want the Empire to change as we do."


"Mas-" She stopped herself mid-word. "Tag, you realize their won't be many, and that it would be near impossible to make in a month?"


"I thought you liked a challenge. Aside I won't need it until the Thanaton problem clears up."


Ashara breathed a sigh of relief.


"In that case when do you think it will be over with?"


"I don't know"


"Don't know anything Taga?"


They both laughed, and fell back on the bed.


Taganox then whispered " I know it will be at least two months."


Andronikos then walked in to inform them they were arriving on Quesh, but stopped when he saw that they were having a romantic moment he sneaked into the ship 's "secret" storage compartment and got a bottle of fancy wine for them to have with the dinner Two-Vee was preparing since Taganox embargoed his wine supply when he came aboard.


Over dinner Taganox told the rest of the crew about his and Ashara's vision. Fortunately Zash was in control if the Dashade so after Andronikos shared his wine bottle with them both Andonikos was drunk enough to agree, and Zash also wanted peace as it would be great for uniting the Empire it to one colossus.


Over the course of their adventure to overthrow Thanaton, Ashara slowly

made a list of possible allies in creating a brighter Empire with the help of Taganox's other companions.These people would become the Imperial Knights.


EDIT: I've decided that this will be the first story in a series of fan fiction . This would be the first. Each story will focus on a different member. Lastly Taganox isn't the founder of the Lok legacy, but his father was so most of his actions and one plot twist scheduled for the middle of the story will affect every other story.

Edited by locketcoket
Title change needed
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One last note. I don't know exactly how this will end as of now , but if this does good I may do stories for my other seven characters. This will tie in to my other character's stories though. Edited by locketcoket
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I like what you're doing with the characters. You might want to slow your story down a bit, though, and give us more dialogue and action, instead of busting ahead to the next setpiece. I like your lightside sith, and I'm curious to see where it winds up.


Edit: And noticing the seventh grade thing, holy buckets. I would have pegged you for older. Great job.

Edited by AKHadeed
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I'd love it if you would comment after reading and give me what you like and don't like about this series so far. That way I become a better writer, this story improves, and your criticism skills improve. See? A win, win, win.

One last thing I decided where I want to goes with this, and at this point prepare for plot twists now and later.( I'm not going to give to much away about the next plot twist. ;) You all will never expect this:D)


Chapter 2 : The Gathering




Now that Thanaton had been overthrown, and Taganox had taken two weeks to settle in to his new position he decided it was time to start a change.


The Dark Council gave him an apartment in the Sith Academy in which had a main room, a secret room, a living room, and five bedrooms. Since Ashara and him had pledged their love to each other and were engaged they slept in the same bedroom.


One night in bed Taganox asked Ashara about the list of light-sided Sith he had asked her to make.


"Ashara did you finish the list of Sith and imperial servants that could want peace?" He asked sleepily.


" Yes I found about eighty potential friends and allies." She responded as laid wondering if the dream would become reality or if they would die trying.


"Good, Talos and I have been trying to locate an ancient Jedi artifact that let's people understand another persons view."


" Going after something Jedi for once?


After sharing a short laugh they kissed, and finished preparing for bed.




The next day Taganox sent a message to everyone on the list Ashara made.

Of course he had Talos encrypt the message in a way only a light-sighted Sith or a Sith that "knows thy enemy" could decrypt. (Would decrypt be the right word?)

The message said for all Imperials or Sith who desired peace to meet with Taganox in his apartment. It also shared some Taganox and Ashara's vision for the future. Lastly it had the secret location of the secret room in Taganox's apartment and the password to be able to enter.





They met on Sunday when all of the acolytes didn't have class. All types of Imperials and Sith were their. Aliens and humans. Newly-freed-slaves and rich aristocrats. Darths and acolytes. Intelligence agents and military lieutenants. It would have been inspiring if Taganox hadn't had felt the chaos and confusion in the room.


" No not confusion "he thought.


" Nervousness like someone is hiding something "


He scurried into his bedroom to get an artifact he recently got hold of. The artifact when activated would allow no one but Taganox and his crew to speak of what they experience in this room out side of this room.


After the artifact was activated he turned attention to himself, and started his speech.


" Servants of the Empire I have called you here today because I have recognized the Empire is in need of change, and you all would be the most receptive to this change from dark to light. From an Empire to a Imperial Democracy. From Sith to Imperial Knights. From the brink of war to peace!"


" If any of you do not believe we need peace and the light will always overcome the dark this would be your cue to leave."


Several people left hastily not knowing they could not tell anyone about this.


"The rest of you will now form the Imperial Knights, a group to change the Empire from the inside out. If anyone does not wish to join now is your cue to leave."


By now they had gone from eighty to fifty people."


"Our first order of business is creating eternal peace between the Empire and Republic. I have developed a plan for peace. Recently Lieutenant Dreillk and I have discovered the location of an artifact that will let groups of person understand another person's reasoning. "


"Take over Drellik"


"Yes milord"


"As you can see on this holomap we have discovered that this artifact is on one of two planets. We know the artifact is on Alderaan or Chandrila. Darth Imperius has arranged for us to safely search Chandrila for the artifact, and as you should know the Empire has a base and allies on Alderaan." Because the planet it is on is unknown we will have to expeditions for it. We will be going to these planets in two weeks. For everyone's information I will holo-mail you which expedition you are to go on."


Taganox then stepped forward and said in a booming voice "Meeting adjourned."


He then added "Stay for a few minutes though and go party into the living room. Socialize, meet your new allies, your new companions, your new friends."


Taganox used this as an excuse to try to figure out who is still pretending to be a peaceful Imperial or light-sided Sith, but he decided to stop trying for now as no one could talk about it out of his apartment.



Taganox checked his holo-mail later. He approached a holo-letter titled Imperial Knights. The letter had a picture of one of the acolytes at his gathering murdered. Below the picture their was a message. One Sith desires change. One Sith wants peace. One Sith started an order. One Sith's clan will be destroyed. One Sith will fail his mission. One Sith will die!



EDIT: Just saw your message AK. I'll try to slow down a little after this chapter. And thank you for commenting and the kind words. A little encouragement goes a long way. And thank you for reading everybody.


EDIT 2 :To slow down a little I will introduce many of the characters that will be involved with the expedition,

Edited by locketcoket
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Wow! You are an impressive writer for your age (heck, you're an impressive writer for some adults, let's be honest)! Please keep it up!


Like AK said, take your time and give us all the details! That's where you can be your most creative and really have fun.


I'm a K-5 teacher, and I have to just say that seeing your writing delights me to no end. Well done!

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3 notes:

1 This will start to involve The Lok Legacy,Taganox's family.

2 During the dialogue I will put the first letter of the person who is talking name.

3 Sorry it's been a while I've been enjoying Spring Break and Holy Week

Chapter 3:


Acolytes, it's always acolytes thought Taganox.


"Talos, zoom in on the second training sword in the picture."


The training sword made it too obvious.


" An acolyte, and a smart one at that, decided to gain some prestige with the instructors by killing one of my guests to the first meeting of the Imperial Knights. Luckily he or she didn't know a thing about my artifact."


Taganox was angered, but decided it would be something to watch. Literally.


All of Taganox's crew went to bed except for Talos. Talos worked and worked all trying to find the culprit. He ran scans, zoomed in, compared pictures, and looked for clues.


It was a shock for Taganox to awaken to find that Talos had discovered two more clues.


The first clue was the intricate design on the glove on the hand holding the training sword.That design could have only been made by a girl.

Then there was the way the culprit held her sword. It was obviously Shii-Cho as that was the only form acolytes were allowed to learn.


Taganox knew his plan. For once he was going to embrace a few Sith attributes. Step one was to play the daddy card. His dad taught him to be a light in the dark, and was at the first Imperial Knights meeting so Taganox knew his father would be in full support.


He took out his holocom and called his father, Lord Orion'nock(or-e-on-nock), AKA The Emperor's Wrath. To Taganox surprise his mother,Vette, answered.


"Sweetie this is a bad time she joked into the holocom while blasting with one hand." V


Taganox laughed. His father could defeat almost anyone in the galaxy with one lightsaber in Ataru Form.


"Mother you know father won't be more then five minutes."T


"I guess I can leave Orion to it."V


She put her blasters in their holsters and sat down on a cargo crate.


"So what do you need? Is that Thanaton guy still trying to kill you? I can get your father their in an hour."V


"No mom" he said with an embarrassed look.T


" I'm trying to create a peaceful Empire out of our current empire" he said a little nervous as his mom was always a rebel and sometimes irresponsible.T


" I would like to borrow father's subordinate Captain Quinn for the day."T


"Why?" she said. "Has Talos abandoned you?"V


"Mom you are such a worry- hog sometimes."T


" Just answer the question I'm not the one under interrogation here."V


"You think I've done something? When have I ever done something wrong? Or been very irresponsible?"T


"Okay you caught me. I crashed the speeder you sent me when I became a Lord three weeks ago"T


" Tag" she sighed v


"Now seriously why do you need Captain Stuffypants?"V


" I need to spy on the two new groups of acolytes."T


"Did an acolyte take your lunch box ?" she said while Tag was more embarrassed then ever.V


His dad then sat down with Vette and joined the conversation.


"My son has been a busy boy" he said.O


"Dark council member, Darth, and Imperial Knights founder. I'm so proud. You got influence, power, and still upheld our morals."O


"Anyway Talos has already contacted me about letting you borrow Malavi. And after they put the spy cameras on the acolytes they're going to catch up and compare notes on discoveries and get lost in their nerdiess ."O


"Well thanks for the prearranging it" Taganox said while cutting off his holocom before his parents could embarrass him more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Four things.

One. Later tonight Ch.4 will be up, and I apologies for the long wait time. I've spent some time trying to figure out exactly how I want the story to go and came up with a few extra plot twists,(A warning about the twists. Almost everything will be changed. :p ) ideas, details, and most importantly I figured out who will go to Alderaan and who will go to Chandrila.


Two. I'm a little stuck with what to do so I want you, the reader, to decide.

My problem is I don't know when to reveal the main antagonist. I can either reveal it in about Chapter 10, or it can be revealed at the climax. (`I`m not going to say the character`s sex yet)


Three. If someone would be willing to draw a picture of the antagonist since I'm a horrible artist and my picture of it would be stick figures or a huge footed weird depiction that look nothing like it will be described. Any help with this situation would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and few spoilers will come from drawing it, but you cant reveal anything.


Four. Since I can take screenshots of Taganox and Orion`nock I now have pictures of them. Here are the pictures.

Formal Taganox:http://i.imgur.com/UZTRpcd.jpg?2

Casual Taganox:



Taganox doesn't like to be very formal, but so he can hide his light sideness he goes all formal when he will around a lot of Lords and Darths, or the Dark Council.

I will add the other two pictures later. Imgur I being a little difficult tonight. If anyone knows of a better free uploader site the address would be much appreciated. I`ll also add a headshot of both characters later.

Edited by locketcoket
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Chapter 4

Taganox's plan was working. After Quinn and Drellik had secretly implanted the cameras on everyone in the new group acolytes, and Quinn set up software that would take all of the audio that got fed to the computer in his room and would create a list of segments to listen to every four hours.

After listening to about six segments Taganox finally heard something useful.


"Get ready for your third trial scumbags!" shouted a voice that was obviously Harkun.


"Harkun, you don't have to be so despicable to them. That's my job whenever I become the master of the most powerful one." said a sarcastically evil female voice.


" I know that voice" thought Taganox. Her voice was so maniacal Taganox almost shocked himself when he realized that it was one of his Imperial Knights. Tag was so relieved that there was nothing to worry about. Whoever that was she simply put on a Sith Mask whenever she needed to uphold her reputation as a Lord or Darth or whatever her position was in the Sith hierarchy.


" Acolytes, for your third trial you shall go into the Tomb of Marka Ragnos and retrieve one part of his writings on fear. And acolytes know this:" she added " Their are three parts to find, but four left. Return empty-handed and know you will either be killed, tortured, or taken as a slave. "


After that came a high-speed piter-patter as they acolytes scurried out since they were scared to death of the mistress.


Taganox then called over his companions, so Taganox could play the video portion, and they could try to identify the Sith. As everyone gathered Taganox used the force to plug up a cable to his color HV.(Holo Vision parody of tele vision)


Just as it sounded when Tag listened to the audio Harkun had been taking out his anger on the acolytes when the female Sith walked in. She was dressed in all black. From her jet black hair to her boots she was menacing. From the waist down she had on a black dress similar to Visas Marr's. Her belt had small spikes and in the front their was a depiction of a skull. Her boots had some armor on it, but they were almost unnoticeable since her dress draped over them. Before her top she had a small layer of mail that stopped at her shoulders. Over the mail she had a dress that also stopped at her shoulders and connected with her lower dress. On top of that she had her robe. The robe could provide her with a hood and where her shoulders were supposed to be open their were two huge shoulders plates with spikes both holding a black silk cape.


She had short black hair hanging just a little past her neck, and brown almond-shaped eyes that could change fiery yellow in an instant. No matter what color her eyes still stared into your soul, paralyzing you with fear until her gaze moved to her next victim. Though her high cheekbones and tanned skin intimidated no one everyone still knew that she could make them "disappear" in seconds.


Taganox knew who she was moments before she pulled her hood off her head. She was fellow Dark Councilor, Darth Morrigan , Head of the Sphere of Mysteries, deadly assassin, terrifying Lord, and leader of the Red Legion.


As of now Taganox decided to ask Morrigan about her thoughts on the new acolytes.


Since it had been two weeks since the last Dark Council meeting Tag decided to ask her to go to a bar on Nar Shaddaa and catch up. He did so one day after she checked on the acolytes .


" Morrigan?"


"It's been a while Taganox. What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be in a tomb somewhere?" said Morrigan with a faux look of confusion.


"Actually I'm organizing an expedition."


"So you want me to join?"


"Well your already a part of the expedition. I just wanted to catch up. It's impossible to talk to the other councilors. They're to old. You saw Thanaton he would have died of old age in days had I not defeated him."


"Isn't that the truth?"


"So, I hear your choosing an apprentice."


"I most certainly am. You should consider choosing another too. Isn't your apprentices training almost finished?"


"Yes. Before I even decide though from the ones who survive are their any you have your eye on ?"


" I believe I will choose the girl, Nolen."


Taganox decided their was reason to fear. Taganox suspected Nolen has been murdering some of his followers.


Nolen had dark power too. All it would take is a master to hone it.


After they got to they lovely little cantina both Taganox and Morrigan both told each other about themselves before they got intoxicated.


Taganox told about how he had to pretend to be his parents slave until someone discovered his force-sensitivity and shipped him straight to Korriban.


Morrigan told of how she was sent to the academy at age 11 and gradually rose in rank going from Terribliss,(tear-e-bliss) to Lord Umbra, to Darth Morrigan, to a Dark Council.


After that they both got drunk. Taganox had a rich golden cinna-apple wine imported from Dantooine. Morrigan got Hutt Tequila the strongest thing available.

It wasn't long after that Morrigan continuously muttered "I am mystery and philosophy"



I intend for Morrigan to seem Asian. I'm sorry if it offends you,but in my mind that's how I see her


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