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You honestly expect me to believe they put Acolytes and Padawans to guard the enemy??


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2.7 Flashpoints continuity errors.



Reclaiming X factions base.



Pubs are fighting ACOLYTES?! not even fully on SITH who are guarding the Jedi Temple? wat. wat. wat.

Imps are fighting PADAWANS in to reclaim Korriban's Temple? wat wat wat.



I voiced my multiple concerns on the PTS. about naming and continuity issues.


Several NPC padawans who are entirely different npcs (diff weapons,) share the exact same model male miraluka.

When reclaiming Korriban, the Padawans should have been renamed to Knights or Sentinels.

When Reclaiming Tython, the Acoylytes should have been renamed to simply Sith, or Sith Lords.

Darth Soverous boots appear to be missing to his fully armored body physique why wear armor then slippers?

Jensyn's Chest (JK Underworld 72 Chest) blue center light is bugged the light wont show up outside of convorstaions. (Brought up beforehand and got a yellow post along with Dread Forged Helmets missing their eyeglows outside of convorsation).


Then lastly the elevator on Korriban is still not solid which I assume you already still know. :(

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2.7 Flashpoints continuity errors.


Jensyn's Chest (JK Underworld 72 Chest) blue center light is bugged the light wont show up outside of convorstaions.

Then lastly the elevator on Korriban is still not solid which I assume you already still know. :(


If Jensyn is the last elite you fight on Korriban, inside the Dark Council (he is, right?) we also got a bug in the Flashpoint earlier today where we knocked him down to about a quarter health and his health sprang all the way back up again with all four of us still in the fight, forcing us to battle him down a second time. For all I know, it happened again, but I had to log for work because the FP went on so much longer than expected due to that. So just FYI to any dev who reads the thread. :)

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