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PLEASE FIX bloom/lighting effects on lightsabers


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This was not an issue when the beta came out, then I believe you guys tinkered the lighting of the lightsabers. Ever since then, every crystal has two colors on it while you have bloom on. For example, green has yellow in it, it doesn't look good at all in my opinion nor does it look authentic.


PLEASE BIOWARE fix this. I've been playing since beta and beg for this to happen. Thank you.

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Bloom ON is supposed to really overdo the outer glow so it hides the inner color, so you're NOT supposed to see the yellow inside the blue with bloom on.


However, two things are happening, as far as I can tell:


1. The preview window does NOT have bloom effects. This is why Dulfy felt the need to show crystal colors with and without bloom, side by side. If you have bloom ON, your lightsaber glow should look different in your hand than in the preview window.


2. Some of the recent cartel market lightsabers have the bloom effect disabled, so the yellow would be visible. But put your color crystal in the original lightsaber you get at level 10 from the main quest, or some of the Esseles / Black Talon orange lightsabers, or some of the cheap non-cartel lightsabers you can find on the GTN for 2k, and you'll see the full bloom glory. Basically this is crappy cartel market items, not a defect with bloom per se.

Edited by Merouk
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