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Stop the LED lights and half naked armour


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It was fine the first couple of times, but now I just feel we have an overdose of it. Certain armours I can handle missing bits of vital cloth but releasing something like the old Battlemaster Weaponmaster's vest without the chest area? That's just mean. Also re-skinning stuff with LED flashing lights doesn't make it interesting, I feel it makes it look tacky and lazy in design thought, even the Kell Dragon armour is ridiculous. In fact I would say all the re-skins are lazy.
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I like the half-naked armor, but I agree about the LED light art.


For whatever reason, clothing/armor in MMORPGs (or just RPGs) has all sorts of unneeded frills. Dozens of belts, zippers, doo-dads.


I'd like to see something simple, like Padme's crop top in Episode II

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As a female gamer who personally likes the "skimpy" outfits, i have to disagree with you.


NOT from a personal bias, but because like me, there are lots of other people that like them and want more.


Although i do agree some of the re-skins are KIND OF ridiculous, it also makes them more.... Available.


IE: Exposed Extrovert. I dont want to have to level up a SW to get the maxed out PVP armor.... nah takes too long and its just for that class. So i'm happy that i get that armor with a nice attractive twist on it instead. So that one made me really happy.



So again, alot of people like and want more.


To put this in perspective: there is on average 10 new outfits in each cartel pack. 1 or 2 of them are re-skinned "skimp'd" ones. That means 20% (on average) are skimpy outfits. that leaves 80% to regular new fully clothed outfits.


So you have nothing to complain about.


If you don't like them, don't wear them. Simple as that.



As for the LED thing, i honestly haven't seen an over-use of that, and i personally find them cool. But again, i don't let what other people choose to wear become my problem... because its not. They choose what they want and so do i.



Regardless, Nothing wrong when Skimp'd and LED's sell on the market. So of course BW Austin will keep making them.




-Nikki <3

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