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Fun thing that keeps happening to me when fighting gunships


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You know that situation when you are, against all odds, against your mind, going straight on the gunship, shields gone, booster gone, blasting him for your life as he charges his rail of doom on you...

Somehow I became too reckless or cocky and I find myself in this situation too often. But I found one fun thing to happen more often than not: If I strafe while going at them, no matter which direction, they tend to miss me more often than not, resulting in me celebrating my small victory.

It is not just against gunship newbies, it happens against the ones I know are good, too. I don't have any idea why this happens. Strafing is so small movement for me that I still land my hits, but maybe in their scope it makes difference, especially in <5k ranges. I wouldn't give credit to evasion, because even though I fly a Nova, I don't use the DField, not even Lightweight armor, so my evasion is low (only ship base + crew).


So a lil tip for everyone, remap your strafing to keys without modifier so you can control throttle while strafing, and try it out, maybe you will find yourself as lucky as I am finding myself. Note though that I am not advertising any kind of anti-gunship salvation. You still want to avoid mentioned scenarios at all costs, but when it hapens you might as well try it out, worst case scenario, you die, which you probably would anyway.

Edited by Slivovidze
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Since the firing cone got dialed down last patch, any lateral target movement makes a much bigger impact on ability to hit with a railgun. Presumably you're also running with pretty high passive evasion already, so a small movement off center can put even more RNG into the equation.


However, if they're charging a railgun on you <5km, they are being baddies, and deserve to lose the 1v1 :D.

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However, if they're charging a railgun on you <5km, they are being baddies, and deserve to lose the 1v1 :D.


Even pros have these "oh come on, I will kill this dummy blindfolded with one hand" moments, and I guess the moments when "defenseless" Nova is charging them are one of these. :)

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My guess is at least some of these guys zoom in because they don't know any better, which makes your tiny movements significantly more dramatic for them while letting you keep them in your sights fairly easily.


Still, interesting. I might have to play with my binds.

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Well, maybe it is because even though I am quite good one, I don't play that much, so I am not known a lot. And I only have two ships, so they may consider me a two-ship noob, thus a free kill, and underestimate our encounters... Still, it happens quite often and as I said, even against proven good gunshippers.


I sure recommend giving it a shot :)

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Well, maybe it is because even though I am quite good one, I don't play that much, so I am not known a lot. And I only have two ships, so they may consider me a two-ship noob, thus a free kill, and underestimate our encounters... Still, it happens quite often and as I said, even against proven good gunshippers.


I sure recommend giving it a shot :)


Gotta love when your enemies grossly underestimate you :D


I've changed my ign and been away from GSF for several weeks (pc problems), so nobody will know who I am once I return! Of course, I should probably add to the equation that I might suck, due to my long absence.

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