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A Dark Jedi question


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I can't honestly imagine that the Jedi or the Republic would totally overlook a Dark Side user as a possible asset. Dark Jedi meaning has changed considerably from source to source, but I'm under the impression that in SWTOR a Dark Jedi is a Jedi whose motives and actions are of a more violent and self-serving nature, while still maintaining loyalty towards the Republic. While this may cause the Dark Jedi's moral code to clash with the Republic's, as they say 'It takes all kinds.' Playing as a Dark Guardian, I can say I don't feel like my actions are considered hidden from the Council, but treated as a necessary evil. A bloodthirsty ally still has his uses.
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I thought Darth Vader and Sidious were technically Dark Jedi. The reason why is because Sith are a species, and although you can train non-Sith in the Dark Side you can't make them Sith. And if I'm not mistaken Sith was adopted by the Dark Jedi after the species was wiped out. But somehow they're back in SWTOR.


There needs to be a middle name for non-darkside and non-lightside


Wasn't Mace Windu trained in some darkside techniques?

Edited by Gantoris_Aym
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I thought Darth Vader and Sidious were technically Dark Jedi. The reason why is because Sith are a species, and although you can train non-Sith in the Dark Side you can't make them Sith. And if I'm not mistaken Sith was adopted by the Dark Jedi after the species was wiped out. But somehow they're back in SWTOR.

There's the Sith species, then there's the Sith Order (i.e. religion), and then there's the Sith Empire. The Dark Jedi exiled after the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness discovered Korriban, conquered the planet and the Sith species, and declared themselves to be the Dark Lords of the Sith. From there, they established the Sith Order and the Sith Empire. As such, following the Great Hyperspace War, "Sith" in the eyes of the majority of the galaxy referred more generally to followers of the Sith religion, not only the Sith species.


Darth Vader and Darth Sidious were members of Darth Bane's Order of the Sith Lords. They were not Dark Jedi, because to be a Dark Jedi means you are a Dark Side Force user who is not affiliated with the Sith religion and therefore not trained in Sith rituals and so on.


There needs to be a middle name for non-darkside and non-lightside

The term "Gray Jedi" is sometimes applied to such people.


Wasn't Mace Windu trained in some darkside techniques?

No, though his preferred lightsaber form did tread dangerously close to the Dark Side because it channeled an individual's enjoyment of combat.

Edited by psychogobstopper
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Gray Jedi often rely on the light rather than dark, but don't stick to the Jedi Code and sometimes they make use of dark powers when they deem it necessary; someone earlier brought up the Imperial Knights, which are the Empire's order of Jedi during the Legacy Era 100+ years after the Saga. They follow the light and abhor falling to the dark side, but they're not as strict about their interpretation of what's light/dark as the Jedi Order; this, and their allegiance to the Emperor first and the Force second, makes the Jedi Order regard them as Gray Jedi. They even have a rule in place where if the Emperor/Empress falls to the dark side, it's their duty to try to return them to the light, or kill them if that proves impossible. This was shown near the end of the LEGACY: War miniseries, when IK Antares Draco did his duty and killed Emperor Roan Fel after Fel succumbed to the dark side.


Darth Vader was referred to as a 'Dark Lord of the Sith' in the ANH novelization back in '76/'77. The Sith, however, were never mentioned in the original films at all, nor was the Emperor identified as a Dark Lord of the Sith until around the time of the prequels. I think Dark Empire only claimed he studied old Sith relics and whatnot... "Darth" was only revealed as a title as Episode I went into production and we found out about Darths Maul & Sidious. Prior to that, the Sith of the EU didn't sport a single Darth (Naga Sadow, Exar Kun, Freedon Nadd, Marka Ragnos, etc). KOTOR in 2003 was the first appearance of pre-Bane Darths, I think, with Revan & Malak.


That's all just background info; everyone's already hit the main points about the differences between Dark Jedi and Sith, and that Dark Jedi aren't necessarily as evil as Sith tend to be.

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