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flashfire/sting BLC + range vs damage capacitor


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In a thread a while back developers confirmed that damage is linearly interpolated between close/mid/long range. What this means is that, outside of close range, the range capacitor also is a damage increase ceteris paribus. I was playing around with this is a spreadsheet a while back (I don't have access to it right now but can check it later) and I generally found that the damage increase was less than from damage capacitor (at least for BLC), but still - combined with increased range (and going from 4000m to 4400m is pretty nice) this could bea competitive option.


I'm currently leveling targeting telemetry (I use blaster overcharge) and when that's capped, I'm tempted to experiment with the +15% range option as well. That would give a flat 5000m range to BLC.

Edited by Kuciwalker
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Even at 2000m it will increase damage. Additionally I think it will increase accuracy (IIRC the devs confirmed that the accuracy dropoff was also linear interpolation).


Napkin math: there's a 20% accuracy gap between 500m and 3000m. At 2000m that's a 12% accuracy penalty relative to maximum. With +10% range and linear interpolation that would become a 10.55% penalty. So... I guess a 1.45% accuracy increase is not really a big deal.

Edited by Kuciwalker
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