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Hold onto Ledge ability


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Many abilities of the different classes were created to represent iconic moments from the movies. However, I think one iconic ability has been left out and should get its place in the game as well: The ability to hold onto something when you are falling down.


We all remember when Luke was about to fall down after the lightaber fight on Bespin but managed to hold onto these antennas. Or think about Obi-Wan in Episode I.


There definitely should be something like this in game. I think about an ability that all classes would have (just like the ability to break free from CC). When you are thrown back over the edge, if you activate the ability fast enough, you manage to hold onto something. After one or two seconds your character would manage to pull itself up again and continue fighting.


The animation should be different for each class. My suggestions:




Jedi Consular and Sith Sorcerer respectively 5:40


1:34 (would need to be shortened)



What do you think? Should this be added? Which animations should the other classes get?

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