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Help on building a PVE Marauder

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Hi, been playing for a few months. Started on a Guardian, he's stuck on vl 20, and then a Sentinel, stuck on lvl 27. The reason was, I felt really underpowered, so I switched and ran a Consular, a Sorcer and an Operative. Now I'm back, I always liked melee classes and want to give it another go.

So I'm looking for any and all advice to how to build, gear and how to set up my rotation so I feel at least as powerful as my Sorc, who I can basically run through almost anything while texting friends and snacking.

I mainly do PVE and PVP only when the grind is getting me down.

I was thinking Annhilation for leveling and then changing to Carnage for end game.

So all you Marauder masters, I would love some wisdom on how to make this a fun run and keep me from Seething at the end of every trash mob.

Thanks in advance

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I'd say go Annihilation until mid 40's then try out carnage if you want to, I would avoid playing Rage spec unless you enjoy mashing keys without much/any thought.


with Annihilation, Keep ravage on CD, always be using Deadly Saber off Cooldown, and keep rupture up.. not to much more i can suggest while you're such a low level... also as you level up it'll only get better with a ton of Survival CD's which if you stick with it you'll find out.

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