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Emotes you'd like to see in game


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A thread for suggesting emotes you would like to see added to the game. During one of the NYC cantina tours, developers mentioned that emotes are relatively easy to implement, and that suggestions for them are something they would be interested in. So here is a thread for your suggestions!


While I'm at it, my own suggestion:



A class-unique emote where your character does something to demonstrate their prowess in a non-threatening way. I'll list a couple samples to demonstrate the concept, though if this actually makes the game I would prefer the developers decide whether or not they have a better idea, and if so implement something they think would be fun:


Inquisitors: Turn their hands inward and shoot lightning from the left hand to the right hand in a slinky-like spiral, then move their hands slowly closer together then farther apart.


Agents: Push a button on their wrist that generates a 3D spherical star chart of the galaxy, then leans in to 'eat' one of the planets. Emote: "<name> generates a map of the universe..." Second emote:"...then eats Coruscant."


Bounty Hunters: Slowly lift off the ground on their jet-pack, do a few aerial somersault with the jet-pack allowing them to stay hovering, then return to the ground.


Warriors: Juggle a set of lightsabers, similar to real-life fire-torch juggling at carnivals.


Consulars: Lift a large rock out of the ground, then carve it in the shape of the Republic crest with two/three swift swings of their saber. Let it hover for a moment as the character keeps hands raised in a casting-like position, then have them move their hands apart and shatter the rock into dust.


Scoundrels: Produce five holographic plates in front of them with bulls-eye targets on them. Rapidly hit the bulls-eye on the first 4, pause, then fire several bolts at the last one, carving the splitting image of an imperial trooper into the disk. Blow off smoke from the guns (and give others a chance to see their work), then roundhouse kick the burnt image of the trooper IN THE FACE to end the emote.


Troopers: Present their weapon (similar to real life color guards, rifle-dancing).


Knights: The sound of a fly buzzing starts the emote. The knight swats at the fly, then swats with the sound of force being used. Things crash as the knight inadvertently swats objects in the vicinity. Character then face-palms, expresses body language as if to say "being a Jedi is rough sometimes..."


I'd also like to see players receive a random locked emote, maybe once a year. This would allow players to have something unique, and also use their guilds to preview emotes they might be interested in purchasing. More awareness of locked emotes might lead to more purchases as well.

Edited by Flightsaber
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