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Jedi Sent Advice-Free Cookies ITT

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I started playing SWTOR on POTF last year for about a month or and with a x2 weekend got my Sent to 55.

I then had a gap from June>Feb this year of not playing. I have this past month been getting back into the game, and I'm heavily PvP focused.


I have Conqu gear with 1 or 2 Obroan peices.


My "plan" is to keep grinding out Ranked and Unranked comms for when 2.7 comes so I can get all the Obr gear with hopefully some of the newer stuff to.


With 2.7 coming, is it worth getting into a different spec? I'm currently Focus, and if so which would be preferable for PvP. This is my only character and I do wish to keep playing with it as well as becoming competitive at ranked -though at some point I will start a healer.


Thanks in advance



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Combat is the other viable pvp spec, it is more difficult to use than focus but it does have it's perks, specially is better for burning down healers. You might want to take a look into the spec.
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Watchman isn't as bad for PvP as people seem to make out.. Granted the burst isn't there like it is for Combat, but it still hits pretty hard and you can pull decent number in drawn out fights. It's also good for annoying the crap out of healers with Leap every 12 seconds and interrupt every 6.

I'd say try both and see how you go.

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