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A Journal of Master and Apprentice.


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Rion – Entry 1

The Force. It surrounds us. It does not conform to good or evil. It knows neither right nor wrong. It simply… is.

Both sword and shield, unending rage and quiet tranquillity. It is what we bend to our will to perform what most would consider impossible.

What then, is impossible with such power at our command? Speed is surpassed, strength increased, endurance enhanced. We can summon lightning from our fingertips, project our will outward in a wave or implode our enemies if the desire is such. Even immortality is not beyond reach… not entirely. The Emperor himself is the only true immortal known to all. The rest of us, I fear, simply have to endure with what could be described as an “ethereal” form, if the will is strong enough. Our physical bodies, long since decayed and bones turned to dust, an almost forgotten memory.

How then, you wonder, am I recording this? Am I simply insane and need putting down? Perhaps… millennia alone can do that to even the hardiest of fellows.

Or… have I found a way? The simple answer is yes. After centuries of being trapped as nothing but a mere ghost, I have indeed found a way. However it comes at a price, a price that I gladly pay. But in order to understand the price, you first need to know the story of my “resurrection”.



((More to come shortly))

Edited by Darth-Rion
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