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Returning player looking for a guild.


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So i'm back, after a several month long hiatus.


Last i played, in any serious fashion, was when Rise of the Hutt Cartel (which friend got me to buy) was more or less still the newest and hottest thing around.


Now, i had a guild and it's was a pretty good one.. weekly raids, classic and the new ones but then the guild leader had a meltdown and disbanded the guild out of the blue, it got of course remade under a different name but it wasn't the same as there was no real direction, purpose behind it.


That was also around the time i got tired of doing the same thing over and over, so stopped playing, dropped down to preferred level and.. well, been playing little here and there but not until recently, when i made a new character with a Steam friend it hit me that i actually feel like playing this game again.


So yeah, anyways.. been mostly playing on Progenitor and got one level 55 character (with several 51+'s), my Inquisitor whom i've mostly been playing as a dps'er though i still am a pretty capable healer when it's required.


She not that amazingly well geared at the moment (since i obviously haven't been able to raid in a long while), but she's decked in Black Market/rating 162 stuff for the most parts so i guess it could be worse.


What am i looking for in a guild?


For starters, good people, friendly atmosphere, some raids here and there, maybe some flashpoints too.


What can i offer?


Damage and heals and in time, maybe tanking when my Juggernaut finally hits level 55 and i get him geared.


Mostly looking for guild on the Imperial side at the moment, since none of my Republic characters are higher than level 51 right now and playing solo, well it's not ultra fun which is partly why i'm making this post.


I don't know if that makes any sense and i probably left out ton of relevant information about myself but if anyone's willing to take in a lonesome Inquisitor, that'd be so very awesome.


Or if any Republic side guilds are looking for another Sage to dps/heal once she hits level 55, that would be swell as well. :tran_angel:


EDIT: Whoopsie, think this might've gotten posted on the wrong forum section and if so, feel free to move to to the appropriate location. :cool:

Edited by LordMordeth
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