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I was still playing!!


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During a Starfighter match in my gunship, an enemy player kept targeting me from behind. I would manage to break his missile lock on me by slowing my flight speed and doing some quick turns and boosts. The player persisted so I ended up doing this several times for a few moments and was unable to get in a shot on anything. Lo and behold, the game told me that I was not contributing. I was to do damage or interact with an object or be removed. All the while, I'm still turning sharply to get this guy off my tail (hard to do in a slug-slow gunship.) Unable to fire on anything and about to be removed from the game, I slammed in to an asteroid and was told "You are contributing again."


Oh, yeah. THAT is fair. I'm trying to avoid being shot and killed and the game says I'm not contributing. What was I supposed to do? Just fire my blasters at a target I could not see?


I am all for removing people who are not participating. But I was participating!! And I was about to be kicked out of the game for that. Sorry, Bioware. But that's really not cool.

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Yup. fixing the noncontributing debuff is pretty high on the list of most commonly requested GSF features, right up there with bomber and gunship rants. My best guess as to why they haven't already fixed it is because they've run into an unexpected problem with the code, or they're trying to avoid inadvertently making things worse.
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Let me one up you: earlier tonight I was flying my scout with few upgrades away from a tail I'd picked up. It took a while, but he eventually killed me. I then got the non-contributing message on the respawn screen. I was pretty upset.
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Yeah, I had a match in a gunship where I lost one tailer only to pick up another. This repeated itself for the next five minutes of the match, and I was "non-contributing." Yeesh.


You know, if someone is going to go to the effort to fly around the map, they should at the least get contribution credit. If they're just not moving (or firing) for a few minutes, that's the only thing that should matter. Anything else, they might as well be playing.

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Yeah, I had a match in a gunship where I lost one tailer only to pick up another. This repeated itself for the next five minutes of the match, and I was "non-contributing." Yeesh.


You know, if someone is going to go to the effort to fly around the map, they should at the least get contribution credit. If they're just not moving (or firing) for a few minutes, that's the only thing that should matter. Anything else, they might as well be playing.


Well, doing donuts off in a corner of the map obviously isn't okay. Granted, I've never seen that (and only 1 AFK person, who the team rallied to votekick), but, there is the possibilty such behavior could arise if countermeasures aren't in place.

Edited by KorinHyvek
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Well, doing donuts off in a corner of the map obviously isn't okay. Granted, I've never seen that (and only 1 AFK person, who the team rallied to votekick), but, there is the possibilty such behavior could arise if countermeasures aren't in place.


At least they're working for those AFK points: you need to be at the wheel to be doing that. I don't like or even understand AFKers (seriously, don't queue up if you can't play, and don't queue up if you're going to give up, either), but I'd rather have them get away with this if it meant people actually playing weren't penalized. That was my main point.

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At least they're working for those AFK points: you need to be at the wheel to be doing that. I don't like or even understand AFKers (seriously, don't queue up if you can't play, and don't queue up if you're going to give up, either), but I'd rather have them get away with this if it meant people actually playing weren't penalized. That was my main point.


Eh, I'm pretty sure you only need 5-10 seconds to actually start doing those donuts (as long as you leave the mouse off-center from where it was, you'll keep going in circles) and then you can switch to reading a book or playing with a phone until someone spots you doing nothing in particular and vapes you (which can take a while in a dominion map where the opposing team has little reason to be near your spawn.

Edited by KorinHyvek
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As I said, I'm all for removing people who are not participating. We don't want battleground bots or people "sitting in the hanger" so to speak. But if the alternative to being told you are not participating while trying to avoid dieing is to commit in-game suicide, that is NOT cool.


I admit that I do not see an easy way around this problem. But at least I can claim that I had several weapon locks on me. Even if I had stopped turning to type in a call for help in chat I would have been destroyed. *sigh*

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