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[BUG] Devs: Is Damage Overcharge supposed to give +100% damage or +200% damage?


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Hey Tait ... amidst all the discussions about Damage Overcharge, we've noticed something. The original patch notes for 2.6 said:


Damage Overcharge– Doubles damage from all primary and secondary non–drone weapons


Yet we're all pretty sure that Damage Overcharge is boosting our damage far more than this. For example, my Heavy Laser Cannons do around ~350 unbuffed. But with Damage Overcharge, they are definitely doing over 1000. If DO is only supposed to double damage, my buffed HLC should only do ~700 damage.


Others have corroborated this with anecdotes of other weapons doing at least triple damage.


Tait, can you run this past the devs? All the talk of DO being overpowered or needing a nerf may just be due to a bug where it's doing more damage than intended. Maybe a dev saw "Doubles damage" and put in +200% (which would triple damage) somewhere instead of +100%.

Edited by Nemarus
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If DO were working as intended, slugs wouldn't be able to one-shot max bulk bombers noncrit. (4350 EHP over 1600 noncrit damage comes out to about +172% damage.)


I one-shotted bombers with full health and shields with my Ion Railgun.

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