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Question - has BW said anything about the matchmaking problems?


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I was in a group last night with Pylan, Delam, Nidalli (sp?), Eohvani, Alex, myself, and Aloriana (Tsukuyomi declined my invite) on the pub side. Now, I see these names (even with spelling errors) and I can realistically say that anyone who went against us, would get slaughtered. We played a few games as this 7 person group (but because of the way Bioware que's, we sometimes played against each other (4v3+pugs both sides) which was fair, but when we were on the same team it was (I imagine) discouraging for the opposition. I flew my never-flown NovaDive that has no upgrades, as well as everyone else being on ships that they don't use often, and we still couldn't help but obliterate them (TDM's were 50-X where X<4). Are their plans to prevent this, or is it just natural evolution to form groups and, from time to fime, have a super OP group that just destroys?


Also, BW, can you please change the way GSF ques. If I make an ops group and have 8 people in it, chances are we're all in VoIP, and want to play with each other because calling out positions is counter productive when we're killing each other. It kind of goes against my first point (in the creation of "Super Teams" but I also want to play with the people I enjoy playing with. Maybe have server vs server matches, and we could be Team Jung'Ma? IDK, but a redesign should be considered. I'm not really concerned about pop times as 15 minutes is the longest we'll wait for one, but I am concerned about new players facing these overwhelming odds where they don't stand a chance and WE are hoping to only encounter quality players on the opposition.


Not playing my GS is painful, but destroying the hopes of noobs isn't fun for anyone

Edited by SammyGStatus
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There are not enough players to have it set up properly I would think. I too play on jung and cringe seeing those players opposite me. I leveled a JK a few months ago and was winning 97% of my GSF matches because of them. Our opponents were the typical two ship players most of the time.


It is what it is..

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While there is some optimization that could be done is multiple matches are popping around the ame time, I'm not sure every server has a large enough GSF population to support the tiered matchmaking system that would be the easiest way to fix this.
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They need to turn on cross-server queuing for GSF. Then you'd get enough of a population to enable matchmaking. Would get more people on each server back in the game, since very bad faction imbalances won't be perpetuated match to match.


The only drawback is that you wouldn't get to know your opponents well, though if the GSF pool got big enough to support ranked matchmaking, you'd start seeing the same teams/pilots regularly at the top end.

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They need to turn on cross-server queuing for GSF. Then you'd get enough of a population to enable matchmaking. Would get more people on each server back in the game, since very bad faction imbalances won't be perpetuated match to match.


The only drawback is that you wouldn't get to know your opponents well, though if the GSF pool got big enough to support ranked matchmaking, you'd start seeing the same teams/pilots regularly at the top end.



Beyond that though, the pings could be really awful as well. This particular problem is a bit of a tough nut to crack, especially if the population of folks playing GSF on any given server is already sort of on the low side.

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There are not enough players to have it set up properly I would think.


I agree with this. And unfortunately I don't think it's likely to change. My personal experience is that I quit after bombers were introduced--I was able to deal with them but I found the gameplay drastically less fun. And most of my guildmates were the same way--nearly all of us quit queueing around the introduction of bombers, and conversations I've had with guildmates make it seem to me that most that quit playing GSF did so because they hated the gameplay post-bombers.


That is only my personal experience and certainly not objective or based on hard numbers. But I can say that from what I personally have seen, a lot of players were unhappy with bombers and stopped queueing. Some players still love it and still queue but my opinion is that GSF will never have enough players for true matchmaking as long as there are bombers and gunships as they are. Gunships were frustrating, but gunships AND bombers together drastically change the game and I believe make it far less palatable to many players.


Bombers and gunships are not going anyware, I'm sure of that. But I also believe that the game as it is with each of them is very fun to some people but very UNfun to far more. Hence the numbers will never be good enough for real matchmaking.


The proof is in the pudding--I rarely queue now, but the ones I have been in have been comically unbalanced. And those players I know that still queue say that that has not changed. An even match is a rarity and the vast majority are experienced premades farming noobs. /shrug.

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BioWare does not care about the fledgling GSF community, when was the last time you saw a dev post that has anything to do with GSF? They in the last 24 hours rushed to make clear their intentions for the ground pvp game but, again, not a single syllable much less word on their plans or in rebuttal to our questions.


One thing they made clear is they have no plans for cross server queues, regional or not. If they won't spend the money for this on the ground, where the vast majority of the money is made, they won't even put it on the wall of crazy for GSF.


This is a mmo mini game with a really good way to suck real dollars out of the players, nothing more. I mean who adds a command ship without being able to issue commands, set way points or enforce tactical needs? A designer that has been limited in scope is who. I really do think the GSF team could make a great game but they are limited by budget(s) and precived intention.


With zero hope in sight for regional queues the only hope I have left is that a use study provides the metrics that the check signers need for the devs to build a way to ease new players into the game. There needs to be a trainer/simulator/etc that will act as the first 10 levels of the ground game to teach new pilots how to play. The current tutorial while may be enough for some, it is optional and the user experience leading up to its launching is very bad, so bad most people treat the pop ups as unwanted UI spam and just dismiss them.


They never learn what really is required to play. I actually saw someone ask in mid match if they where missing the capture button for satellites. This is understandable from the point of view of any ground pvp player in this game. They have been trained to click to cap.


Will a dev ever read this post and care to reply? I really do doubt it. Will they ever explain their intention? Nope.

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Beyond that though, the pings could be really awful as well. This particular problem is a bit of a tough nut to crack, especially if the population of folks playing GSF on any given server is already sort of on the low side.


Assuming that all of the EU servers are in the same place (which they may not be), ping/lag shouldn't be much worse if cross server were limited to servers within each geographical region but would still give a a larger pool of players.

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