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Special Dueling and Duel Bolstering


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First I want to suggest to add Bolster to the duels, so that people with high level difference can still have a real challenge defeating each other. or at least the option to toggle the bolster on and off when challenging someone to a duel.


Also I want to suggest the add of a "Request Special Duel" sub-menu to the portrait menu where you can challenge people to different kind of duels. all of them can also get the bolster option so all players can get a lv55 status on the fights.


The Special Duels could be the following:


HP Overlimit: The duelists get their HP doubled or tripled so they get to fight a longer duel with more epicness.


Team Duel: (Only useable while on a group or ops group and against a player who is also on a group or ops group.) Basically lets both groups to fight each other.


Boss Mode: ([The Ultimate RP dueling feature] Only useable against players on a group or an Ops Group, while being alone or on a normal group.) The challenger and his/her 3 teammates (if any) get a special bolster to have the physical capabilities and buffs (Cant be interrupted, Immune to incapacitating or movement impairing effects.) of a flashpoint/operation champion class boss to stand alone as equal against all the players on the challenged group/ops group.

(This special buff considers the number of players in the challenger group against the number of players on the challenged group, while increasing and decreasing stats. So that killing the bosses is always possible for the challenged group.)

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