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LF Heavy RP Guild


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I've been on this server for a couple weeks, trying to level my Sage. I've interacted with some folks ICly here and have been quite happy with most of the RP I've seen so I think I'll stay a while.


My RP partner and I are looking for a quality, Jedi-centric, RP guild. We are serious RPers and active players. We are also extremely picky... Story lines, content and context must make sense both lore wise and character wise.


We also enjoy PvE & PvP (sometimes) but RP is our main focus. Our characters are new and still under development so could be... molded to fit a little bit as we are wanting to find a home for them before finalizing some things.


If you have a med-heavy RP guild that is looking for serious RPers, please leave a message here or contact Kaecia in game.

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