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Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...


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The ability to make a wall of Bombers and Gunships is insignificant next to the power of an angry Blackbolt with Damage Overcharge ... especially when those Bombers and Gunships are all chained within 5000m of each other. :D


Also (not from the same match), collect ALL the powerups! XD Alas there was no secret Achievement :(

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I was in that match and flying my bomber. You got me a time or two. The main problem was that our team was just not that good. Not the strategy we were employing (such as it were, it wasn't a planned strategy just everyone play what ever they want). One gunship pilot (that I will not name due to no callouts) just sits there and fires until you kill him and never runs (I know this because I fought against him in a later match).


Ah well, kudos to you that is certainly the most kills/damage I've personally seen in a match regardless of who you were up against.



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I was in that match and flying my bomber. You got me a time or two. The main problem was that our team was just not that good. Not the strategy we were employing (such as it were, it wasn't a planned strategy just everyone play what ever they want). One gunship pilot (that I will not name due to no callouts) just sits there and fires until you kill him and never runs (I know this because I fought against him in a later match).


Ah well, kudos to you that is certainly the most kills/damage I've personally seen in a match regardless of who you were up against.




I actually could've gotten higher had I not wasted my first DO trying to kill you--you were too wiley moving around the girders--eventually I gave up. Nice flying!


31 is my personal best, but it was not as competitive a match.

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You wield the power of the Meta: TDM is won by whoever is built for speed and just hunts the Damage Overcharge. Doing anything else is counter-productive.


Which, very sadly, pretty much means fighting the enemy is counter productive (when DO is not up), which defeats the purpose of TDM. Damage Overcharge just needs to go away, IMO.


You see the exact same thing in pretty much every other TDM style games out there. The winner is the one who nabs the power ups. Woo. :)

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31 is my personal best, but it was not as competitive a match.


Hah! I got ya by 5! I had a match in my stock star guard on the toon I was leveling this weekend where it was not just the gunships and bombers sitting in a line but damn near the entire team, over and over. They would rush out of the spawn to around D3 on the map and just come to an almost stand still 18000m from my team. It was so much fun and I was so shocked I had well over half the 50/4 kills I forgot to screencap. Alas, no pics so it did not happen. :(


In a couple of matches I was trying to give advice, I know, stupid on best of days. I had one guy tell me to ****, he just wants his 20k xp. I was so sad, I explained to him that in the mid 50's (as he was) if he actually participated it would be closer to 70k per match. He did not care, he'll be one of the first to die in the zombie apocalypse.

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Nice! How do you find all the powerups so easily? So often I can't seem to find them even when I'm right on top of them on the map. I look inside the structures, in the tunnels, etc. After a few secs of searching I give up.


My personal best is only 24 kills, but I play conservatively since I hate to die. I average only 2 deaths/match. Even on the outmatched Imperial side on my server where I only win 30% of the games. Also, on my server the Pub side is strong, so it's hard to get high kills since so many others finish them for you (you get tons of assists). Imp side you're lucky to break double digits in most matches since you get overwhelmed.

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I also have a hard time finding powerups. Usually I'm so concentrated on the next red dot that I just miss the powerups respawning. Other times I can't be bothered to snake around trying to get them, unless I know it's a DO, which is stupidly OP and worth all the effort of getting. I also rarely run a ship fast enough to lose time going back and forth from the front line to get powerups, being gunship or strike mostly these days.


Nice! How do you find all the powerups so easily? So often I can't seem to find them even when I'm right on top of them on the map. I look inside the structures, in the tunnels, etc. After a few secs of searching I give up.


My personal best is only 24 kills, but I play conservatively since I hate to die. I average only 2 deaths/match. Even on the outmatched Imperial side on my server where I only win 30% of the games. Also, on my server the Pub side is strong, so it's hard to get high kills since so many others finish them for you (you get tons of assists). Imp side you're lucky to break double digits in most matches since you get overwhelmed.


Find the good pilots and play with them, at least for the quick q pops if nothing else. I'm sitting at 60% as imperial exclusively, and that's including all the time hammering my head against the wall on imperial side pre TDM. More good imperial pilots organizing on shadowlands is good for everyone.

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Find the good pilots and play with them, at least for the quick q pops if nothing else. I'm sitting at 60% as imperial exclusively, and that's including all the time hammering my head against the wall on imperial side pre TDM. More good imperial pilots organizing on shadowlands is good for everyone.


Yeah, I've been having alot of fun flying on my imperial alt on the shadowlands after 2.6. The faction seems to have really improved lately and its been a blast flying on both sides now.


To the OP, that was some impressive flying. I've started to actively hunt the powerups in TDM and it has improved my performance alot. My favorite thing is to get the engine boost and lead my enemies on a merry chase across the map.

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You wield the power of the Meta: TDM is won by whoever is built for speed and just hunts the Damage Overcharge. Doing anything else is counter-productive.


Which, very sadly, pretty much means fighting the enemy is counter productive (when DO is not up), which defeats the purpose of TDM. Damage Overcharge just needs to go away, IMO.


You see the exact same thing in pretty much every other TDM style games out there. The winner is the one who nabs the power ups. Woo. :)


Now Itkovian, no need to be hurtful :p


I'll grant you that the above linked score was heavily influenced by me happening upon DO several times (and the other team leaving the bulk of the map empty). But I actually never divert from fighting to deliberately hunt for power-ups.


And for every one match where I get 25+ kills because of DO, there are three matches where I get 18+ kills without the benefit of a single DO, often double what the next person gets. Whether I get power-ups or not, if I'm in my Blackbolt I almost always finish with top kills and top damage, unless I'm flying against Large and Zojata or my cat jumps on my lap.


I say this not to boast (well, maybe a little), but to confirm that you are right: a large part of my success is because of my Blackbolt's mobility. But it's not because of power-ups--it's because I can escape retaliation and outrun those who chase me until I fall off their sensors. Then I turn around and go on offense again. Compare this to other builds (even other Scout builds) who have no real way to truly evade pursuit once someone targets them. It's either kill or be killed. Whereas my Blackbolt is about true hit and fade.


For example, your Strike is probably the deadliest on our server Itkovian (hence why I keep trying to recruit you to Eclipse Squadron), but ultimately once I target you in my Blackbolt, the differential in our mobility means there are usually only two possible outcomes:

1) I kill you while you are busy attacking someone else

2) You or your allies target me and force me to flee


If (1) happens, I get a kill. If (2) happens, no one gets a kill, I flee off your sensors, and then I use my superior Scout sensors to look for a vulnerable or distracted target (which may be you again, if you've moved onto another target yourself).


Sure, sometimes while I'm fleeing or picking my next target, I'll spot a power-up and boost toward it, but it's not my priority. It's gravy. If I'm not actively evading someone, I'm always rushing back on offense.


That being said, things may change with the nerf to Barrel Roll. I won't be able to zip around the map as quickly -- then again, neither will anyone else. But the entire game will be a bit slower, so hit and fade attacks may be much trickier to do.


All that being said, I agree that Damage Overcharge could use a nerf. Either make its damage bonus much lower, or limit the amount of bonus damage it can do before it expires (for example, once you get 5000 bonus damage out of it, it expires, even if it had duration left). That way the magnitude of its effectiveness is capped, regardless of how many targets you catch with it.

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Now Itkovian, no need to be hurtful :p


That was not the intent, but to be fair that doesn't change my point: The best way to play TDM is hunting for the DO, kicking ***, then get away and go look for the next one.


And to be fair you know that, since I've seen you do just that for an entire match at least once, a couple of weeks ago. :)


And when it gets to that, the only way to truly counter it is to do the same thing: hunt the DO yourself to deny it from the enemy, and repeat the process. And the best way to play it is to make a fast zippy scout, learn the location of the spawns, and go ahead and pick 'em up ASAP (heck, I've already got a novadive with a similar build, but I don't like where it leads...). The logical conclusion of more players embracing that meta is TDM becoming a game of chase-the-red-ball instead of the intense combat mosh pit it's meant to be (or so I would hope it is).


Thus, why I think DO needs to be nerfed or go away entirely. It certainly should not grant the ungodly damage it does now (a 10% bonus would be nice, but this is ludicrous). Because sure, we COULD play it like that, with everyone embracing the red ball and zooming around... but it sure isn't as fun as actually bothering to slug it out with your opponents... lord knows it's not the game I like to play.


That said, thank you for the compliment, though there are a few good Strikes on our side... I fear Strikes are sadly under appreciated right now, something which I am trying to rectify one player at a time. :)

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I actually could've gotten higher had I not wasted my first DO trying to kill you--you were too wiley moving around the girders--eventually I gave up. Nice flying!


31 is my personal best, but it was not as competitive a match.


Thanks! I make it my goal when I'm in my bomber to try not to die (I suppose that seems obvious but I really do try a lot of evasive maneuvers around things). If I die all of my mines and drones go away! :)


I'm not too great a dog fighting so I tend to do better with the more tactical ships (bomber, gunship). Always fun flying against you (and sometimes with you if I'm on my Imp alt)!

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...ummm. Contested, but top three at LEAST.


By who? I fly with a lot of strikes on a (semi-)regular basis, and Itk is the only one that does better than me. Against all the others, It's rare to even come close to my numbers.

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By who? I fly with a lot of strikes on a (semi-)regular basis, and Itk is the only one that does better than me. Against all the others, It's rare to even come close to my numbers.


Well, there's Courtney at least, who's a beast in his Star Guard.


But let's not get off topic. :)

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Well, there's Courtney at least, who's a beast in his Star Guard.


But let's not get off topic. :)


I've been using a Gladiator in Deathmatch of late (Ion/HLC/Clusters) Haven't posted 30 kills, but I've gotten to low 20's. Granted, I haven't run it against Republic aces.


My Blackbolt is mastered now, so perhaps I'll try my Gladiator against you next time we meet Itkovian :)

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I was fighting a good team last week that camped out against some spires on Kuat with bombers, gunships, and scouts to pester anyone trying to break that up. Can't remember if I was in a scout or a strike, but it felt really good to pick up a damage overcharge and break that line up. 3-4 bombers and gunships bit the dust in quick succession after they kept us out for the previous ten minutes. :cool:


I still think damage overcharge should go or be toned down. It's worlds above what the other powerups do, and while you can say it requires a team being heads up, it's still a little ridiculous.

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I've been using a Gladiator in Deathmatch of late (Ion/HLC/Clusters) Haven't posted 30 kills, but I've gotten to low 20's. Granted, I haven't run it against Republic aces.


My Blackbolt is mastered now, so perhaps I'll try my Gladiator against you next time we meet Itkovian :)


To be fair that Star Guard/Gladiator/Whatever build tends to be a better duelist than my Pike, which is more built as a mobile skirmishing dogfighter than a jouster... with blue booms of death, of course, making it an excellent multirole build at the expensive of dueling.


It could be made into a dueling/jousting ship with a few component changes, but then it wouldn't look like an X-wing anymore, which would be very wrong (there's a reason I flew strikes even when they were absolutely at the bottom of the pile). :)


That said, such an encounter would definitely be more enjoyable than playing "chase the red ball", and I hope DO gets nerfed soon, before the meta really catches on. Which probably means this thread should die, so I'll stop replying now. :p

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