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Will they show us more information on our ship, and our teammates?


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When we target an enemy, we see the numbers for their hull and shield integrities, the distance, their facing....


We know half of this about our own ship. I'd very much like to have numeral visualization of my ship's hull and shield values. But that's not as important as information about my allies.


With coming command ships, information on teammates will become quite important. Since ships are pretty much just dots from 1k farther, it would be really nice to have information about how far are my allies, and prefferably even about their shield and hull values.

Show me that information on mouse over. Distance, hull bar, shield bars, same as enemy mouse over.

Maybe even add allies visualization on the radar circle, add smaller green arrows showing direction to closest allies. Though that might get too messy, scratch that.


Right now it is not quite crucial information, but there sure are cases when I could use knowing at least the distance of my allies: Copilot abilities, like Wingman, Targetting Telemetry, EMP field, or the distance check on repair drone.

But when ships entirely focused on buffing teammates come in, they will require to know how far the teammates actually are. Since the range on their buffs is 5k, and ally in 3k looks exactly the same as ally in 10k, I think mousover distance quota would be in place here.


Agreed? Or, is something like that actually reality on PTS?

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It's not like it would change the nature of the HUD. Just a small squares with numbers at our shield arcs and hull model, along with the exact same mousover info for allies as we get for foes.


It seems simple to me and quite a logical thing to make, I hope devs see it the same way. I dunno if some testing actually happened on PTS, last time I heard there are no pops happening.


Intorducing support ships without providing them crucial information would somehow degrade the whole idea of support ship, I think.

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