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BioWare, please randomize the default spawn location each time you respawn in TDM


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Right now some nefarious players are choosing to mine a spawn location of enemy teams. While most experienced players will change to a different spawn, newer players often don't know they can do that. Thus they'll spawn over and over again into a field of mines or a Gunship's sights.


If, every time a pilot respawned, the default spawn was randomized, this would reduce some of the ability of a single camper to farm new pilots.


Anyone could still explicitly choose the spawn they want, but for those who just press the Big Green Ready button as soon as possible, they'd have a 67% chance to not be instantly hit by a mine.


Of course, this doesn't solve the problem if a team is camping multiple spawn sites. That will require more work to figure out what exactly capital ships should do to protect spawn areas without offering a total safe haven where a team can sit on a lead until time runs out.

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