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Looking for a tank - shadow or guardian


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<House of Sorrows> is looking for a tank for one of our progression groups.

We are starting a new progression group. Since most of the members of the group are inexperienced in HM content, we will all learn to coordinate. We are going to take it easy, have fun.


the current roster is:

tanks: vanguard, vacancy

rdps: commando, sage

mdps: sentinel, guardian

healers: scoundrel, sage



- shadow or guardian (thats because we have a vanguard and dont want to double)

- experienced in SM raiding

- gear good enough for HM S&V and TFB (168s at least, some 178s, an arkanian set bonus most welcome)

- willingness to learn and to wipe while learning

- dolby axxon for voice communication


We plan to raid twice a week, preferrably on Wednesdays and Fridays, from 7 pm to 9 pm cet.


If you are interested, please, contact Benmedice via in-game mail.

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