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Can't Solo Heroics - What am I doing wrong?


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Hey, everyone! :D


I've been playing Sorcerer for the past few days and having a jolly good time. However, I find myself unable to solo any heroics that are kill and not objective based, barring Heroic 2. This is in contrast to my previous two toons who were tanks (Juggernaut and Vanguard) and could fight forever with a healer companion. It's important to note that I am fairly overleveled (38 on Taris before the bonus series) and well equipped with updated moddable armor.


Although I heard Lightning was the stronger PvE spec, I found it somewhat unintuitive and awkward (maybe it improves when you get Thundering Blast, but while still leveling... eh), so I went with Madness. My first mistake, perhaps?


I see the problem as mainly having limited time to kill a boss. I have to somehow do 100k damage (Fathers of Taris boss as an example) before Khem dies. I don't even get remotely close to that. Now, from your experience, is it a matter of Khem needing better equipment (I got Synthweaving, so he's by no means ill-equipped), me choosing the wrong DPS spec, or simply the lack of infinite durability that a tank gets with a healer?


I've been thinking about trying the Corruption tree to get a tank+healer setup. My only concern is that unlike companion healers, I can run out of force points (these are very prolonged fights). Now, I've looked over the Corruption tree, and it looks pretty effective in preserving one's force points, but I have no first hand experience with said tree, so I'd be glad if you guys could confirm/deny that.


Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post! ^^

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In a prolonged fight where you have a tank companion, you will need to throw offheals to your companion. Lightning has a lot more Force to do this; Madness is more of a PVP spec than a heroic-soloing spec.


You could try full corruption but you run a moderately high risk of running out of Force before your companion finishes the boss, as you will have little DPS to contribute to the fight yourself.

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In a prolonged fight where you have a tank companion, you will need to throw offheals to your companion. Lightning has a lot more Force to do this; Madness is more of a PVP spec than a heroic-soloing spec.


You could try full corruption but you run a moderately high risk of running out of Force before your companion finishes the boss, as you will have little DPS to contribute to the fight yourself.


Yesterday I tried Corruption, and was pleasantly surprised. I expected running out of force as well, but with the combination of Innervate, Force Surge and Consumption, your force points are infinite, the only drawback being the need to heal yourself occasionally. So far so good. Managed to solo everything on Taris except Enclave Raid, and that's because the groups there have 2 healers.




Isn't Fathers of Taris a [HEROIC 4]?


Those are not meant to be solo'ed, dude


Indeed. But that's what makes soloing them so satisfying: knowing you succeeded where you really weren't supposed to.




Thanks for taking the time to answer, guys. I appreciate any and all feedback you can give me, although I do feel I've found my way with Corruption.

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I'm levelling a solo sorc too and having so much fun with it. I switch between a corruption build (for all heroic 4's) and my new favorite tree, madness, for all other content. (I've done a sorc before, but was pure lightning spec.)


So far I've managed to solo all heroic 2s and 4s plus bonues, and like you, had a hell of a time with enclave raid. Grr, dat heroic >< There is a certain excitement in soloing something that is so gratifying. I'm not too hip to the ins and outs of this game, even though I've been playing on and off for 2 years, which is why I choose to solo. I don't want to bring down a team with my noobness.


For all my H4s I just let Khem occupy the mob while I sit back and maintain his health, any whirlwinded enemies and occasionally throw out affliction and crushing darkness. But this is just me. I don't care if I'm sitting there for 5/10 minutes to bring down one champion/final boss. Others might not be so patient, but that's just me.


I also have Khems bar up so I can control when he attacks and who. I usually start him off on passive, then I whirlwind someone, then I send him to fight a certain enemy. Usually the one on the furthest side of the whirlwinded. If I can eyeball that he's far enough, then I'll manually turn on Khems aoes, or turn them off if he's too close. Other times, especially if mobs are a mixture of ranged/melee I will have Khem on passive, and los the melees while I cc the ranged. Once far enough, I'll activate Khems aoes, etc. All of his actions I keep a very close eye on. It's amazing how many people don't quite 'control' their pets to get the most use out of them, especially if they want to solo heroics.


Also, I use the old 'tail between the legs' strategy, lol. I'll kill one, and zone out. Come back, kill another etc.. Again, this is just me and I have no qualms about how long it takes me or anything. Take the 'Blood and Sand' H4 on Tatooine. Kill 50 baddies and Bloodgouge for the bonus. Solo, that is a nightmare. The first mob is (I think) 5 enemies, plus 1 pat. CCing only 1 gets you so far, but whittling them down one by one and running to the exit to get the heat off has saved me so many times. Sure, it takes me about half and hour to finish it, but I do.. and when Bloodgouge goes down... my feels! I'm so happy with myself, lmao!


I've done all the heorics many, many times before so I've come up with my own tricks of which certain mobs to attack to achieve my goal with the least amount of hassle. The H4s on Nar Shaddaa are my favorite and super easy if you no which mobs to take on, where corners can be cut and if you don't mind dying (usually on purpose) once or twice.

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I find that when my Sorc and comp are properly geared I can solo Heroic 2 when 2 levels above recommended level for the mission. A large part of the success criteria is proper interrupt and crowd control. Failure to bubble up before the fight or whirlwind a strong or elite at the start of a fight may result in a wipe.
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  • 3 weeks later...
well Sorcs cant solo it if you have the talent tree chosen as "healing" if you have madness or lightning you can create damage soooo much easier , plus if you choose the right talents you can do alot of heriocs on higher lvl like lvl 30 or 20! For me, my sorc is the best at pvp i dont do much quests only sometimes!. :rak_03: looking for a guild? join : Lords Of The Empire guild on jedi convanet! (whisper to totoliche) :)
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Isn't Fathers of Taris a [HEROIC 4]?


Those are not meant to be solo'ed, dude, although some --the "loot and scoot" types in particular-- can be.


Almost all HEROIC 4s can be solo'd if you are a little overleveled and over geared. I was able to SOLO a few HEROIC 4s on my shadow-who was undergeared. My most memorable ones were the last 2 HEROIC 4s in the republic balmorra bonus series.

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