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Why no double exp weekend for GSF?


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thanks for putting that, i never noticed actually, was planning on doing my lowbies on republic side in some gsf at week end, guess that idea scrapped :(


what a stupid decission to do,


some people that returned only returned because of gsf, some people only play gsf, gsf is extremely popular so lets gimp the queue times for a whole week end, thanks lol


got all sat night online for gsf double exp :(

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actually its a mistake, i have coppied an official response regarding double exp and gsf that is in general forums.


You pose a good question, "Why is this?" and I have an interesting answer for you, it actually isn't .


There was a little bit of confusion when that copy was being written for the page. You will earn double experience for your character when you play Galactic Starfighter, that page has incorrect information on it and I am working on getting it removed.


What you will not get is double Requisition for your ship. That is why that line was there, although clearly it comes across the wrong way so we will get it removed. Again to reiterate, you will earn double experience when playing Galactic Starfighter, you will not earn double Requisition.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention!



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yes, one of the more popular parts of the game. lol. ;) its a big hit. :rolleyes:


Sarcasm is strong in you, switch to a different server you should. One where, evident, GSF's popularity is.


Seriously though, I play GSF on 3 different servers now and I'm never waiting in que for very long. I mean I rarely have time to do more than run to the kitchen to grab a drink between pops some days.


Switch servers man, get to one that has plenty of GSF goodness for you to enjoy! Or roll a new toon on a server with good GSF matches. I fly on 3 different servers (2 of them just for GSF) and I would say the GSF community on Jedi Covenant is the best of the 3.


I'm Glad that 2x XP can be gained from GSF, I have a Sniper that is gonna get lots of play time starting tomorrow!

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