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I'm not sure how many others have this problem but I have problems targetting anything? I dont know if there is a way to slow down how fast my mouse moves across the screen but I am just a flying dummy target to be honest I dont think I could hit anything unless it was standing still but at best even that might be a hard stretch trying to just get control of a ship for me is unbelievable so I just quit playing the gsf part of it sadly if I could figure out a way to get this under control maybe some sort of mouse control movements I have tried but yet nothing has helped.
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Practice flying in tutorial. You can access tutorial by clicking the "?" button in top right corner of GSF window. Also, read the tutorial tips that explain what buttons you need to use to shoot, execute different moves and transfer powers.


GSF is completely different from the rest of SWTOR. You have a crosshairs instead of your mouse pointer. You do not control the ship directly, only the crosshairs. Your ship will follow it. To turn, you want to move the crosshairs to the way you want to turn, similar to any FPS game. Unlike FPS's though, the ship here will not catch up to the crosshairs, it will instead continue turning until you move mouse back to the middle of the screen. You should practice that, you have the whole tutorial map for that.

Shooting is another thing. On your screen, you see a circle.To be able to shoot, your crosshairs need to be in that circle. So while fighting people, what you do is that you try to keep them in the big circle and your crosshairs on the enemy. Actually, to make it more difficult, you don't aim at the enemy directly, you need to fire in front of them to actually hit. Luckily, we have lead targets for that. Aim for them.

Locking missiles is third thing. Inside the big circle, there is a smaller one. To fire a missile on the enemy, you need to get them in the smaller circle, hold down RMB and keep the enemy in the small circle. Once you hear a beep, release.

Fourth is power management. During the battle you need to manage your reactor. You can go with equal output to all systems, but that's not a good way to go. You need to transfer power to engines when you are travelling, to weapons when you are shooting, or shields when you are on your defensive.


Tutorials explain this all.


Once you get these things, you will start to learn other things. Like, turning up and down is faster than turning left or right. Or, The farther the enemy is from the center of your screen, the less likely you are to hit them, even if you'd aim precisely.


GSF is a hard thing to learn for a new guy. Even after you get to learn the controls, you will have very hard time until you actually learn to fly well. Learning curve is super steep.

And since matchmaking is very dumb, you will probably face lots of experienced people in your beginnings. That's why you will die a lot.

My reccomendation? Don't go straight for kills. Try to survive. Try to escape those who want to kill you. When you start shooting someone, don't sacrifice everything to kill. Be happy for every successful hit. Experience will build, skill will raise, kills will come, and so will fun.

I wish you lots of patience and I promise that after you beat the hardships of being beginner, you shall experience entertainment in GSF!

Edited by Slivovidze
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I have a short cut. I use hardware to deal with this, my mouse has a button that I can change the dpi, I take it down from 7800dpi to 400dpi for GSF. If your hardware does not support this, buy one or before you accept the star fighter match go into preferences and choose mouse, then move the sensitivity slider all the way down.
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I have a short cut. I use hardware to deal with this, my mouse has a button that I can change the dpi, I take it down from 7800dpi to 400dpi for GSF. If your hardware does not support this, buy one or before you accept the star fighter match go into preferences and choose mouse, then move the sensitivity slider all the way down.


Note to self, make a macro for this.


(also how do you live with 7800 dpi, that would drive me bonkers)

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W T F :eek:


I'm sitting at an comfortable 1800 DPI which works fine in all parts of the game - GSF included...


Like anyone that is at all good uses a mouse in a mmo for? Everything is keybinds. High dpi in FPS games mean you use very small hand movements, less movement, less mistakes.

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I'm not sure how many others have this problem but I have problems targetting anything? I dont know if there is a way to slow down how fast my mouse moves across the screen but I am just a flying dummy target to be honest I dont think I could hit anything unless it was standing still but at best even that might be a hard stretch trying to just get control of a ship for me is unbelievable so I just quit playing the gsf part of it sadly if I could figure out a way to get this under control maybe some sort of mouse control movements I have tried but yet nothing has helped.


You can reduce your mouse sensitivity in the in the mouse control panel icon in windows.


Its under pointer options/motion 0 pointer speed dial.


Moving the slider will make it faster or slower. Adjust it to your preference.


Another thing to not is that the mouse will go further than the targeting reticule. The more it moves outside this( a line is drawn on your screen giving you an indication, the quicker you'll turn, if you have the pointer speed set too slow, or two fast, you'll likely have trouble manoeuvring.

Edited by Yndras
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