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Question about tanking stats for Defense Chance and Blade Barricade


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I've been gearing my 55 Jugg Tank for end-game Ops and have been using the stats matrix at SWtorboard as a guide. I'm currently sitting at 2,031 cumulative points between Defense Chance (785), Shield Rating (813), and Shield Absorption (433). The matrix indicates I should shoot for Defense Chance (967), Shield Rating (646), and Shield Absorption (387). I'm not a min/maxer, so I'm just using the matrix's numbers as a guide, not an absolute.


But what I am wondering is do those numbers factor in Blade Barricade? I've noticed when my Blade Barricade procs that it increases Defense Chance by 5%, but the underlying number doesn't change (e.g. no Blade Barricade my Defense Chance is 785/18% and after the proc it is 785/23% - no change in the base 785 points, but a 5% increase in the percent).


Knowing this, does the 967 Defense Chance (matrix's "optimal" stat at my cumulative stat level) including Blade Barricade, or not?



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At any given total stat sum, the optimal %s for Defense, Shield, and Absorb will be gotten exactly by getting the optimal ratings that you saw at swtorboard.org


Here's the thread that Boarder pulled those values from, by the way: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=616779


I'm confused. So if the "optimal" stat for a given level (per the matrix) is 1,000, but that includes procs that add a %, then how do I compute what is the optimal stat I need to achieve via gear? For example, say the optimal Defense Chance stat for my level is 1,000, which equates a 10% Defense Chance. But my proc adds 5%. Do I then really only need 500 Defense Chance *from gear, buffs, and a stim? For example, my gear/buffs/stim give me 500 Defense Chance, which is 5%. But after my ability proc I'm still sitting at 500 but the Defense Chance is now 10% due to the proc. Or, do I need 1,000 via gear/buffs/stim, which gives me a 10% Defense Chance, and when my ability procs it bumps me up to 15% Defense Chance?


If I'm understanding you correctly, the chart tells you numbers based on gear/buffs/stims AND procs. Which means those stat numbers are higher than what can be achieved via just gear/buffs/stims.

Edited by Godzillamax
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Sorry! I misread your previous post.


The matrix assume that you'll have mitigation procs like Force scream's absorb bubble, Retaliate's +5% defense bonus, Crushing Blow's +3% damage reduction, and your Smash accuracy debuff up. So to minimize your damage taken in operations, you get the target gear ratings that the matrix lists and get those buffs on yourself/debuffs on your enemy as quickly as possible.


The target %s without mitigation procs are not published, but luckily the target ratings are published and they are what's in the table. So to minimize your damage taken in operations, you have to

[*]get the values listed in the table; for example {2100,{defense->1069,shield->687,absorb->344}} means get 1069 defense, 687 shield, 344 absorb

[*]get the mitigation procs that he assumes you'll get; these include Force Scream's absorb bubble, Retaliate's defensive buff, Smash's accuracy debuff, and Crushing Blow's +3% damage reduction

The mitigation %s that are your targets without defensive procs are guaranteed to be whatever you see on your character sheet once you get the rating the matrix tells you to get.


IIf I'm understanding you correctly, the chart tells you numbers based on gear/buffs/stims AND procs. Which means those stat numbers are higher than what can be achieved via just gear/buffs/stims.

To put the top half of my post another way... no. The chart doesn't tell you the defensive ratings that, assuming no mitigation procs, give you the defensive mitigation %s that give you the least damage taken. The chart tells you what mitigation ratings to get in your gear; it assumes you already have the various mitigation procs up. Getting both the mitigation ratings from the table and those mitigation procs up will minimize your damage taken in an operation.

Edited by MGNMTTRN
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Sorry! I misread your previous post.


The matrix assume that you'll have mitigation procs like Force scream's absorb bubble, Retaliate's +5% defense bonus, Crushing Blow's +3% damage reduction, and your Smash accuracy debuff up. So to minimize your damage taken in operations, you get the target gear ratings that the matrix lists and get those buffs on yourself/debuffs on your enemy as quickly as possible.


The target %s without mitigation procs are not published, but luckily the target ratings are published and they are what's in the table. So to minimize your damage taken in operations, you have to

[*]get the values listed in the table; for example {2100,{defense->1069,shield->687,absorb->344}} means get 1069 defense, 687 shield, 344 absorb

[*]get the mitigation procs that he assumes you'll get; these include Force Scream's absorb bubble, Retaliate's defensive buff, Smash's accuracy debuff, and Crushing Blow's +3% damage reduction

The mitigation %s that are your targets without defensive procs are guaranteed to be whatever you see on your character sheet once you get the rating the matrix tells you to get.



To put the top half of my post another way... no. The chart doesn't tell you the defensive ratings that, assuming no mitigation procs, give you the defensive mitigation %s that give you the least damage taken. The chart tells you what mitigation ratings to get in your gear; it assumes you already have the various mitigation procs up. Getting both the mitigation ratings from the table and those mitigation procs up will minimize your damage taken in an operation.

Got it, thanks!!

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