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Shadow Guard of The Empire, Medium RP Guild Recruiting


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Darth Nessosin is recruiting Sith and Non Sith alike to his cause. Under the command of the Emperor and the Dark council Nessosin has been given the task of forming a new organisation within the Empire.

Considered by many to be merely ceremonial they are in fact the Emperor's secret police who answer only to him, they will remove anybody they see as not following the Emperor's commands to the letter considering it their duty. They have members that work within Imperial Intelligence and within the Hutt Cartels amongst other organizations.

So if you think you have what it takes to become a member of the Shadow Guard then we want you! Get in touch with Darth Nessosin, Darth Gragnor, Lord Nidas and Lord Nagashin for more information.

For the Emperor and the security of the Empire!

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