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Do you get requisition points?


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Every time you drop a hyperspace beacon and it gets used? If not, I think you should. I was in an extremely rare TDM game where imps facerolled the pub team. I dropped a beacon fairly close to the pub spawn (A first, since I usually get nowhere near) and they didn't change spawn. As usual my assist numbers were double my kill numbers, but my req, I feel should have been higher. I was third in the list with record damage and kills, but my req score wasn't much higher than usual.

I firmly believe minelayers get the short end of the stick req-wise. The non contribution problem is still around and Its so easy to get kills with lasers and railguns, compared to mines which are easy to avoid/kill or they seek and lightly damage. The beacon really helps team play, so I think their contribution should be better rewarded.

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Fair point, though drone carriers do more damage than minelayers and get better consistent req. A minelayer during a sat match is a potential game winner, and trumps the drone carrier at holding sats. Its just a shame it isn't rewarded enough. I have both and consider the minelayer more fun to play

The match after the one I mentioned scored me this -


I didn't receive a non-contribution or afk penalty, surely I should get more? I was second in the list and fought hard to defend C sat.

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Fair point, though drone carriers do more damage than minelayers and get better consistent req. A minelayer during a sat match is a potential game winner, and trumps the drone carrier at holding sats. Its just a shame it isn't rewarded enough. I have both and consider the minelayer more fun to play

The match after the one I mentioned scored me this -


I didn't receive a non-contribution or afk penalty, surely I should get more? I was second in the list and fought hard to defend C sat.


1. I would argue that drone carriers "do more damage"... minelayers can AOE a lot more.

2. Without a screenshot of the earnings tab, that screenshot is meaningless.

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