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So has anyone played with the Interdiction drones?


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They work well for domination because people have to be within proximity of the satellite to cap it. In TDM people just boost away from their 3500 meter max range. I don't use them because you can't change your loadout depending on the game you get.
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hmmm I was wondering if you maxed the tree and could deploy 2 to set up a minefield how useful that would be in deathmatch.


I may have to play with it. Ya I do wish you could change loadouts. Id be happy if I coudl change loadouts while waiting for the match to even pop while waiting in q

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hmmm I was wondering if you maxed the tree and could deploy 2 to set up a minefield how useful that would be in deathmatch.


I may have to play with it. Ya I do wish you could change loadouts. Id be happy if I coudl change loadouts while waiting for the match to even pop while waiting in q


Even if two are placed perfectly with minimal overlap you're still only talking about two 7 klick diameter spheres on a map with a whole lot of space to move around in. It may work a little better in kuat mesa due to their being more alley ways and choke points, but even then its effect is relatively minimal compared to missle or rail drones.

Edited by Coldcrush
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If you build a bomber around this theme, you can do very well. Interdiction drone(s) (2 at tier 5), interdiction drive, the copilot ability "servo jammer". You are a slow garbage hauler, but when you drag them down to your level, you beat them with experience...


Works particularly well vs scouts, bombers, and most strikers when defending a satellite. Gunships are still a pain though. Not so effective in TDM, though in mesas you can trap the tunnels through the walls and make some people wreck.


The damage output is fairly dependent on your lasers too, I recommend laser cannons for a nice blend of range and accuracy that the heavies lose at the edges.

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At the higher teir they are much better as you get to drop two drones. This is effectively a 100% damage increase for the drone, as you can create a security net of mines, drones and a repair drone.


They will both shoot at the same rate effective tearing them too pieces very promptly. Before the top teir they are pretty difficult to use, good for behind an asteriod or a mesa to use hit and run tactics. When the strikes/scouts come in to get you the get slowed and peppered by seekers, and you finish them off as they try to run.


Can be very effective tho needs some thought to use.

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