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The Grease Monkey-Lizzard


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Gratz! I'm not at home, but if I recall correctly, you need 250 MVP for "repaired the most in a match". That is not an easy task, so again, Gratz! :)


I want that, too, but I think I'm currently sitting at 5 of 250, so... yeah, not going to happen in the near future.


Assuming one match lasts between 10 and 15 minutes (queue time not included), that's between 2500 and 3750 minutes (40 to 60 hours) under perfect conditions, getting the MVP in every single match.


May I ask, were most of those matches wins or losses? What ship setup did you use?

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grats nice one,


For the other reply u dont need a bomber to get this one done.


on any ship just having hydro spanner ability for co-pilot can get it done, im sat at around 70 done just by using hydro spanner.


The saviour medal achievement though u need bomber.

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I currently use the (maxed) War Carrier. The first component I master was the healing drone. I do GSF a lot and diving into the fray along with drone placement helps a lot.


I am also at 100 Savior & 100 mechanic medals. Personally, at first I found the bombers boring until I got more aggressive with them. They can take a pounding and dish out some good damage also.


I think my best match in one was 96k dam, 15 kills, and 21 assists on the Shadowlands server. Not the best by far but not to shabby either.


Hope the info helps,






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Why do you have to pick on the fat turtle? :eek: My turtle babies just want to make friends. :D


Xi'ao, just on a side note you are one hell of pilot both playing against you and with you.


I still remember that mesas TDM where 4 of your bombers set up right behind that column outside top left spawn...I spent half that match typing in chat DON'T GO BACK THERE. Barely yanked my team out of that one. Tons of work :D.


But yeah, you're definitely on my "kill quickly" list when I see you :) Look me up impside if you ever want to group.

Edited by Fractalsponge
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