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Dread master quest progression?


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I'm trying to get a grasp of how to most fully navigate the dread masters story from within the game. I've played Imp side and the releasing of them prior to any of the expansions. I quit playing for a couple years and have returned with little in depth knowledge of what has been added. Now my main is a JK and I've been all the way through Ch 3 and am hoping someone can lay out the order of quests the dread master story plays out most sensibly. I felt like at endgame everything is thrown at you at once and I didn't know where to start. (Not that everything is still an option such as the classic ops which are rarely done at this point).
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I'm trying to get a grasp of how to most fully navigate the dread masters story from within the game. I've played Imp side and the releasing of them prior to any of the expansions. I quit playing for a couple years and have returned with little in depth knowledge of what has been added. Now my main is a JK and I've been all the way through Ch 3 and am hoping someone can lay out the order of quests the dread master story plays out most sensibly. I felt like at endgame everything is thrown at you at once and I didn't know where to start. (Not that everything is still an option such as the classic ops which are rarely done at this point).

Yeah it'll be a bit confusing coming back after a while since the story was progressed as new content was released over time, rather than being staggered by character level.


I only know the Imp side progression for certain but I am pretty sure it is the same for Republic. In order, it goes:


  • Belsavis (Imp Side)
  • Karraga's Palace Operation (very, very minor, and you only find out the Dread Masters played a role retroactively)
  • Explosive Conflict (Denova) Operation
  • Terror From Beyond (Asation) Operation
  • Section X & HK-51 Quest Line
  • Seeds of Rage (Seeker Droid) Quest Line (Picked up on Makeb, although most of Makeb itself is pretty tangential to the Dread War plot other than setting up Scum and Villainy)
  • Scum and Villainy (Darvannis) Operation
  • Oricon
  • Dread Fortress Operation
  • Dread Palace Operation

Edited by DarthDymond
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Just to note, my above post is the progression for the Dread War plot in particular; the SWTOR universe being what it is, there are several ongoing conflicts in addition to the Dread Masters crisis that play out in the elder game. If you wanted to go through all the elder game content in roughly chronological order (based on release dates for the game updates) it would go like this:


The Cold War and the Start of the Second Great Galactic War

  • Class & Planetary Quests up through Corellia and the end of your Class Story plus Flashpoints as they become available (all Flashpoints have one-time quests that can be picked up on Fleet as soon as you hit the level for that Flashpoint and most of these quests can also be picked up on the level-appropriate planets)


Ilum and the New Empire

  • Ilum Planetary Quests
  • Battle of Ilum Flashpoint (continuing the Ilum quest line)
  • The False Emperor Flashpoint (concluding the Ilum quest line)


The Return of the Infernal One

  • Eternity Vault Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)


Prelude to the Hutt Cartel Conflict

  • Karagga's Palace Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)


The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak

  • Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)
  • The Lost Island Flashpoint (concluding the one-time quest that started with Kaon)


The Black Hole Crisis

  • Black Hole Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)


The Dread War Begins

  • Explosive Conflict Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)
  • Terror From Beyond Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet) [because this Operation has been adjusted to level 55 it's worth noting that nothing is glaringly odd with the progression or noticeably out of order if you do this after Makeb]
  • Section X Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)
  • HK-51 Quest Line (starts with quest picked up in Section X)


Conflict with the Hutt Cartel

  • Makeb Planetary Quest Line (starts with quest picked up on your ship's holo-terminal)
  • Shroud (Macrobinoculars) and Seeds of Rage (Seeker Droid) Quest Lines (starts with quests that can either be picked up on Makeb at around the halfway point of the planetary quest line, or on the Fleet once you hit level 52)
  • Scum and Villainy Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)


The Fall of Czerka

  • CZ-198 Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)
  • Czerka Corporate Labs (continuing the CZ-198 one-time quest)
  • Czerka Core Meltdown (concluding the CZ-198 one-time quest)


The Dread War Ends

  • Oricon Planetary Quest Chain (starts with quest picked up either on Fleet or CZ-198)
  • Dread Fortress Operation (continuing the Oricon quest line)
  • Dread Palace Operation (concluding the Oricon quest line)

Edited by DarthDymond
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Problem is that the classic ops are all but impossible to find groups for and that being the case I'm more or less out of luck?


Pretty much, our guild ran through Eternity Vault/Karaga's Palace Nightmare mode at the weekend as no-one else could come up with a suggestion as to what to do...

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Problem is that the classic ops are all but impossible to find groups for and that being the case I'm more or less out of luck?


Fantastically informative posts, thank you!

Well, if your concern is missing out on story content for the Dread War arc, then fortunately Karagga's Palace is really really minor, but with regard to Explosive Conflict... yeah you may be out of luck. My main still hasn't been able to run that Operation due to how infrequently it's run.


Skipping EC doesn't leave a gaping whole in the progression though, the main thing you'd be missing out on as you run the rest of the content is knowing just who Kephiss is when you make your way through Terror From Beyond. Other than that you'll just have basically missed out on one battle in the wider war.


I was able to do EV and KP at level 55 though - there are pick-up groups every now and then, at least on the POT5 server, for those. Best bet though would be finding a friendly guild, as you may be able to wrangle up seven other players that way who'd be willing to breeze through the Classic Operations for fun.

Edited by DarthDymond
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