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Cartel Packs Question


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Hi, I'm a little confused about the cartel packs - I was interested in buying one that had a chance of getting me a decent lightsaber crystal - but everywhere I've searched points me a packs that I can't see available.


Which one is the best to try for the above goal? I've heard its Blockade Runner's Cartel Pack but couldn't see it.



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Which Cartel Packs are available at a given time are cycled through the Market. Right now only the "Bounty" packs and the first three "Starfighter" packs are available for sale on the CM, all of the "Cartel" (including the Blockade Runner Cartel Pack) and "Contraband" packs are currently "embargoed" and unavailable.


If someone bought some of those packs before they were embargoed that person can still sell them on the GTN, so you may find some there, but your best bet is to try to buy the crystal itself on the GTN.

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Easiest way to get a decent crystal is to search the GTN for the color you want. You can limit your search to level 10 or level 50 crystals to zoom to just the cartel market ones. You'll likely see a price range from 300k or so to 1 million or so.


So then buy a bunch of the popular cartel packs that are on the front page of the cartel market, and sell them unopened on the GTN at approx. 225-300k a pop to make the money that you need for the crystal you want. Easy peasy, no luck required.

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