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Looking to form a new Empire RP Guild


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Basically i'm looking for people interested in setting up an RP guild with me. It's open to Force Users only atm but once i've got a few members in i'll start recruiting Non Force Users.

So are you interested? If so let me know on here or whisper me (Satesh) in game and we can discuss it. :)

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If you're going to create an RP guild it would be helpful to have a general concept in mind first. It's a bit difficult to see if your Guild is compatible with ones character concept, if you don't provide any information about what you have planned.


You say the guild is restricted to force users only at the beginning. Why? Does it have roots inside the Sith hierarchy? If so, what exactly have you planned in that regard? What roles will non-force-users fulfill inside the guild, once they are allowed to enter?


In short - what's the story behind your guild? What is its general in-character purpose? I just assume that you have a certain idea in mind, otherwise there wouldn't be the 'no non-force-users' restriction.

Hope that wasn't too harsh, just trying to help.


Best of luck.

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If you're going to create an RP guild it would be helpful to have a general concept in mind first. It's a bit difficult to see if your Guild is compatible with ones character concept, if you don't provide any information about what you have planned.


You say the guild is restricted to force users only at the beginning. Why? Does it have roots inside the Sith hierarchy? If so, what exactly have you planned in that regard? What roles will non-force-users fulfill inside the guild, once they are allowed to enter?


In short - what's the story behind your guild? What is its general in-character purpose? I just assume that you have a certain idea in mind, otherwise there wouldn't be the 'no non-force-users' restriction.

Hope that wasn't too harsh, just trying to help.


Best of luck.


Wasn't harsh at all, was constructive feedback :) I do have a story behind it, i just posted this when i was shattered last night and didn't get round to adding in the more general info. I'll post more info on it tonight when i get in! thanks :)

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Lord Satesh is looking to recruit similar minded Sith to his cause, Having come to the realization that the Jedi have the right idea about bringing peace and justice to the galaxy, Satesh soon begins to form his own ideas about how to do this.

He believes that only through immersion in the Dark Side and driving fear into the hearts and minds of the Galaxies inhabitants will peace ever be achieved.

To this end he has been granted permission by the Dark council to form an elite group 'The Knights of the Sith' who will aim to bring peace to the Empire and Galaxy at large by whatever means necessary. There is no place for the weak in The Knights and many will die until only the worthy survive.

Hail to the Emperor, Hail to the Sith

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