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Fix Team Deathmatch


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Bioware, please fix Team deathmatch.

Before it wasn't that bad. At least the turrets gave the team that was being camped some defense now it's crazy.

It's just like the AFK issue. You take the minority of players complaining and fix something that doesn't need fixing.

I agree the Gunship camping was bad before but it gave an incentive for you to back off from there capital ship and make it fair. Now it's just a spawn camp.

Please change it back ASAP!

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I Agree


Don't know how to fix it besides group management.


I will usually play 12-15 matches a time and I did tonight.

Lost every one... I will aurally win 30% on an average night.

I play Empire on shadow....


Match making needs an overhaul I concur.

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If your group is being pushed back to your Capital ship and being camped, you have choice to spawn at 2 other spots. If your team fail to do so, they don't deserve to prolong their suffering anyway.


I remember when I was a n00b and could do crap in GSF. Now I have learned from my mistakes and from others, I don't do as bad. There is no point in crying if you get pwned.

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Oh boohoo, you can no longer run to the turrets for protection. They shoulnd't have been there in the first place. It's a DEATHMATCH. The objective is to kill the other team. How can you kill the other team when the other team hides behind, essentially, guards. It was stupid.


If your team is so horrible that you get pushed to your capital ships then you lost the match before it began. Better luck next time.

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I still don't know what the problem was. It was not like the capital ships could not be destroyed if needed to get at a camping team


Currently, it takes a gunship shot of 1600 to do 1% damage. So, for a SINGLE Cap ship turret, which can 2-3 shot any ship approaching it, 160,000 damage must be done to it in order to destroy it.


Even with an entire team of gunships completely ignoring every player and concentrating on destroying ONE Turret, out of the 4 (3? I never counted) that each capital ship has, it would take the better part of a round.

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Oh boohoo, you can no longer run to the turrets for protection. They shoulnd't have been there in the first place. It's a DEATHMATCH. The objective is to kill the other team. How can you kill the other team when the other team hides behind, essentially, guards. It was stupid.


If your team is so horrible that you get pushed to your capital ships then you lost the match before it began. Better luck next time.


I never did that I never get pwned in GSF it's never happened to me. But it's unfair in it's current state.

But i'm sure you find it fair when the enemy team plants turrets, mines, and camps the spawn points.

Because that's totally fair.

Edited by LegoUniverseBC
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I never did that I never get pwned in GSF it's never happened to me. But it's unfair in it's current state.

But i'm sure you find it fair when the enemy team plants turrets, mines, and camps the spawn points.

Because that's totally fair.


It is fair. I pug exclusively and if the people I happen to play with are that terrible then that's what we get. Hasn't happened yet, funny that. If it does, *shrug* It's not like I care about my KD ratio or anything retarded like that.

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It is fair. I pug exclusively and if the people I happen to play with are that terrible then that's what we get. Hasn't happened yet, funny that.

So it's fair to complete destroy the other team by camping them with mines and turrets? It was fine before. It's not even about skill you can't do anything about that.


They need to just change it back to how it was before, it wasn't bad. At least with Gunships the other team could score and get back into the game. And if you didn't want to get killed by Gunships you backed off and the match was evened out.

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So it's fair to complete destroy the other team by camping them with mines and turrets? It was fine before. It's not even about skill you can't do anything about that.


They need to just change it back to how it was before, it wasn't bad. At least with Gunships the other team could score and get back into the game. And if you didn't want to get killed by Gunships you backed off and the match was evened out.


And you got a non-contributing defuff and a 20% penalty to your overall req because you were winning too much OR because the other team decided to abuse the turrets as a "tactic".


No. People need to learn to play. It's a PvP mini-game and if you suck at the PvP-mini game you lose. Having a mechanic that would kill the other team for you REGARDLESS of reason was the most idiotic things you could possibly have.


Can you imagine if there was a spawn area with guards in Huttball and you could just sit there with the ball and let the time run out when you were winning? How retarded would that be? Just as retarded as putting turrets in TDM. It's not ideal and they need to do *something* to prevent spawn camping like, for example, a one-way shield that you can't target ships through but the turrets? They were the dumbest thing you could possibly have in a game mode where the objective was to kill the other team when the team can, if they so choose, make themselves unkillable.


It's like playing hockey or football where you can just take the goad away from the game.

Edited by Jandi
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