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New subscriber's advices and requests


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I'm sorry for the title but I don't have that much time and English isn't my first language :)


I'm a new Subscriber, coming from some months of F2P and Preferred status.

I'm writing here because I've got some questions to do and I'd like to give some advices too.


First of all: forum management.

Now I subscribed and I got access to the forums, but I hate the fact that the other players can't write to ANY forum!

When I was Preferred Status I had a LOT of things to ask before subscribing, and, as a paying customer, I expected at least a place in which I could have asked something before buying. I'm not the kind of person that buys something without having everything clear, and I'm sure that there's a lot of people out there that see this thing like I do.


So, here's the first suggestion: make a public section of the forum for people that want to ask before buying or for people that are having troubles. If there's someone that is willing to subscribe but can't find answers anywhere, he's likely to not subscribe at all, and so you lose a customer.


Another thing that I don't like is that the Preferred status players can't have access to game tickets if they have problems. Now, since they're paying customers too and they have no access to forums, how can they request support for something? Not giving them a way to solve their problems (either forums or game tickets) is quite weird. They're not paying a monthly fee but they spent money on this game and leaving them with their problems is quite unfair.


Now it's time to talk about a topic that someone may not like: character transfers.

Before starting, please DO NOT comment writing that other games charge you X/€/$ for moving a character and that transfers here are cheaper and we must be happy. We're not talking about another game and you won't be harmed if they lower the prices so it's totally fine for you if we ask for better rates.


Let's get to the point: I've got 3 characters that I want to max out (that's why I subbed) but I'm on a quite dead server.

Just to give you an idea, in the last 3 days I've been queued for Operations/Flashpoints for more than 12 hours and nobody showed up. The same applies for the Heroics on Makeb and Belsavis. So I just thought to move them to a better server, just to have the chance to do some more endgame stuff instead of doing always the same dailies.

The problem is that this transfer will cost 5400 CC which are 35€ and this is quite a huge amount of money.

I don't want to make a price because I'm nobody to suggest you how to make your business, but this is so insane because I'm almost forced to pay extra 35€ to have a worthy game experience (that I'm already paying).

I mean, isn't being on a well populated server part of the game experience that we buy with our subscription?

Or are we paying to stay on a dead server with no chances to have fun as the other people do on more populated ones?

I think that a "once in a lifetime" full account transfer should be given to any subscriber.


Finally, a more "in game" kind of stuff: is it normal that, in PvP, the Jedi Sentinel feels so much weaker than anybody?

In the last 3 days I played about 20 unranked warzones and I spent the 80% of the time being stun or unable to move. This spoils all the fun, because there's nothing that I can do to avoid this. The typical situation is me attacking someone, causing a good amount of damage, then he stuns me and fully heals himself, stun me again and kill me in no time.

I know that I may not be the best player when it comes to PvP, but since I'm not that bad, how is it possible that stunning moves are so "powerful" and with low cooldowns?

It just unbalances the game!


So, these are my questions/advices.

This is not meant to be a rant, but I've been thinking to these things since the first time I played and now that I got the chance to post here, I wanted to share them with you.

I'm sorry for any kind of mistakes but, as I already said, English is not my first language.


I hope to get some answers without turning this topic into a flame :)

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I have just recently subbed as well and for my four months as a Preferred player I was rather bummed that I couldn’t post on the forums. I can understand their reasoning but I don’t fully agree with it as there are ways to curtail their concerns without completely blocking Preferred players from an entire section of the community. I’m aware that forum goers are roughly 1% of 1% of the games population but I’ve always fallen into that particular percentage and I’m sure there are plenty of others like myself that find the forum aspect of an MMO to be an important part of the overall package.


Preferred players have questions, concerns, advice, suggestions and even answers to other players questions but there’s not much they can do about it. In the least it would be nice to see the implementation of a Preferred sub-section of the boards that might follow greater restrictions than the other boards but would still allow paying customers an official outlet on this side of the community (ala LOTRO for example). Failing that there’s also the potential to sell forum access just like any other unlock so that those who are interested would have a choice of how to proceed as opposed to simply being locked out…or left out for that matter.


At any rate, I just wanted to express my support for your first point although I don’t have enough personal experience to comment on the rest so I’ll leave that to others. Hope you’re enjoying your sub!


Oh, and your English is better than most English speakers so no worries there.

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