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Custom moddable gear


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Ok so i saw this little gripe in a thread and realised it really did have some impact on my game experience. So alas i will share...


When i first started playing this wonderful game i had no clue about custom/moddable gear, I went through planet to planet getting random loot drops and thinking "I really NEED that", Now i dont even leave the fleet to level, A part of me thought it was down to the level grind and same quests over and over, But again i realised there was no incentive to go do those quests every reward was meaningless junk i could vendor, So to my point, Has custom/moddable gear avaliable so early in the game ruined a bit of the fun/enjoyment? I think yes, Of course its great to have your toon looking amazing at level 1 and so on, But wheres that enjoyment of taking out a mob to see that its a dark blue or purple loot drop and thinking "YES! This is gonna be good?" So i think ive babbled a bit , But really the question im asking is.... Do we really NEED custom gear at level 10? I remember getting custom belts and bracers so hard to get it was like a real sense of achievement when you got them! Am i the only person who feels this? lol

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yes and no i think. I always equip modable gear and need roll on an item if the mod/armoring/enhancement is an upgrade. If it is an upgrade, I yank the mods and swap out.

This actually led to me getting kicked from a group. A chest dropped for me and it was an upgrade for all my stats and was approprite for my role ( ex. i was a dps and it was str, end, and power. not a tank stat or healer stat on it) and so I needed thinking I was going to yank the mods and put it into my cassus chest. I got yelled at saying I had "mandolorian armor" and therefor dont need it. ya, blew my mind.

So modables do help in the sense that they give me a nice look and I can alter it as I lvl. However it does make green and blue ( and some purple and birthright/inheritance ) useless to me.

But then again you can just vendor/RE the items you dont need to make some creds.

ANYWAYS...overall I think modable gear is very nice to have around.

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yes and no i think. I always equip modable gear and need roll on an item if the mod/armoring/enhancement is an upgrade. If it is an upgrade, I yank the mods and swap out.

This actually led to me getting kicked from a group. A chest dropped for me and it was an upgrade for all my stats and was approprite for my role ( ex. i was a dps and it was str, end, and power. not a tank stat or healer stat on it) and so I needed thinking I was going to yank the mods and put it into my cassus chest. I got yelled at saying I had "mandolorian armor" and therefor dont need it. ya, blew my mind.

So modables do help in the sense that they give me a nice look and I can alter it as I lvl. However it does make green and blue ( and some purple and birthright/inheritance ) useless to me.

But then again you can just vendor/RE the items you dont need to make some creds.

ANYWAYS...overall I think modable gear is very nice to have around.



Im not saying its not nice to have around, But i mean back in the days when it was rare, Those mobs you killed over and over again, Could drop some nice gear hence making that grind a little more worthwhile, And the drops in fps too, If a custom dropped in a fp it was huge if you got it coz not only did you get some decent gear it was customable, I just feel taking away the actual *NEED* for gear at lowlevel just makes the game a little more boring (In my opinion) Its like im the same now, As soon as i roll a new toon, I go straight into my collections pull out a full set of custom and just use planet comms to gear up, This is why i feel i dont quest on planets, Dont really overly enjoy fps either, Gear is so easy to come across via gtn or CM, I just feel maybe they could raise the cap on the custom gear just so we can get that epic loot drop feeling back :|

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I used to play MMO's and wish I had a system where wepaons/armour leveled with me. I realize now that was a very silly wish.


For me, modable armour that levels takes all the fun out of looting and running instances, in this game, if it wasn't for the stories, FP's would be completely pointless, I only run them now to see the story and that is it.


Worse yet is the adaptive armour. Now any one can wear any armour. This is fine in a system where you can wear any armour but to be efficient you would need to put points into the correct tree/skills. Like a Skyrim system.


I just feel no enjoyment in looting anymore, I hate sitting on fleet looking through multiple vendors to mod my gear and my companions gear, I think I spend more time doing that than questing (exaggerating).


I don't likie the system, and I will never again wish for items that level with you.


EDIT: Again this also comes back to an appearance tab, the main argument I see here is people want to have a specific look. Well you can have armours with no stats/mod slots, purely cosmetic, and use an appearnece tab to equip them meaning you still need to find gear to equip for you stats. Again, LoTRO has the system perfected and it is great.

Edited by Mortelus
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Ok so i saw this little gripe in a thread and realised it really did have some impact on my game experience. So alas i will share...


When i first started playing this wonderful game i had no clue about custom/moddable gear, I went through planet to planet getting random loot drops and thinking "I really NEED that", Now i dont even leave the fleet to level, A part of me thought it was down to the level grind and same quests over and over, But again i realised there was no incentive to go do those quests every reward was meaningless junk i could vendor, So to my point, Has custom/moddable gear avaliable so early in the game ruined a bit of the fun/enjoyment? I think yes, Of course its great to have your toon looking amazing at level 1 and so on, But wheres that enjoyment of taking out a mob to see that its a dark blue or purple loot drop and thinking "YES! This is gonna be good?" So i think ive babbled a bit , But really the question im asking is.... Do we really NEED custom gear at level 10? I remember getting custom belts and bracers so hard to get it was like a real sense of achievement when you got them! Am i the only person who feels this? lol



It is much more fun when you can image your character even at level 1.

If you want to be punished for been out of end game with ugly not matching gear - WoW is still somewhere.

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It is much more fun when you can image your character even at level 1.

If you want to be punished for been out of end game with ugly not matching gear - WoW is still somewhere.


Appearance tab....


It is much more fun to loot awesomely rare gear IMO.

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I used to play MMO's and wish I had a system where wepaons/armour leveled with me. I realize now that was a very silly wish.

This is exactly what I think birthright/ inheritance gear should be. Much like...WoW*. That would make those items worth having (to a point)


*ya, I am aware this is not WoW and we dont want to go that route. But WoW had some nice features SWTOR should consider

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You can still loot 'awesomely rare' items. There's purples on every planet with only a fraction of a percentage ofa chance to get.


The thing is that you don't have to wear ugly mixmatched gear. If I find a useful purple, I'll strip its mods out and put it in something like my Malak outfit. It's way better.

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It's not the adaptive / moddable gear that's bothering you really though, is it?

Think about it. What's bothering you is that it's so easy to get, either through the GTN or CM. There was moddable armour from the start, I remember running FP's to try and get the Athiss Informant jacket and matching trousers (before colour unification) to make an awesome look I kept for a long time.


I like having the adaptive gear, it means I can get a look I love without having to worry about what type of armour type it was (not that I ever did, my Juggernaut leveled in light social gear all the way to 50 >.>).

Like now I have a Bounty Hunter wearing an awesome outfit that isn't your bog standard Mando no.23675455 and beyond.

Ialso like that I can start off looking how I want without having to get to 30 or above to wear that helmet I like or those boots I am craving (though I do need to be over 50 for some boots I want for the BH and some serious commendation grinding needs to happen for my Jedi Knights boots).

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It's not the adaptive / moddable gear that's bothering you really though, is it?

Think about it. What's bothering you is that it's so easy to get, either through the GTN or CM. There was moddable armour from the start, I remember running FP's to try and get the Athiss Informant jacket and matching trousers (before colour unification) to make an awesome look I kept for a long time.


I like having the adaptive gear, it means I can get a look I love without having to worry about what type of armour type it was (not that I ever did, my Juggernaut leveled in light social gear all the way to 50 >.>).

Like now I have a Bounty Hunter wearing an awesome outfit that isn't your bog standard Mando no.23675455 and beyond.

Ialso like that I can start off looking how I want without having to get to 30 or above to wear that helmet I like or those boots I am craving (though I do need to be over 50 for some boots I want for the BH and some serious commendation grinding needs to happen for my Jedi Knights boots).


I don't know if you are replying to the OP or Me, most likely the OP as you didn't state who.


But i'll speak anyway. For me it definitely is the adaptive / moddable.


Again I don't think people on here understand the way an appearance tab works. Because all I see is, I wanna look like this from lvl 1. Well you can with an appearance tab. Only difference is you can keep the excitement of looting and finding new equipment.


To the Poster who said there's still rares to find, obviously there is. However the vast majority are either useless to the class your playing and thus can be sold for a pittance on the GTN, or you can wear them, but then the stats are worse than your modded gear, so again you can sell them on the GTN for a pittance.


Again appearance tab, then everyone can have the best of both worlds.


Never gonna happen in this game though, too much like hard work for them/not enough profit in.

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I don't know if you are replying to the OP or Me, most likely the OP as you didn't state who.


But i'll speak anyway. For me it definitely is the adaptive / moddable.


Again I don't think people on here understand the way an appearance tab works. Because all I see is, I wanna look like this from lvl 1. Well you can with an appearance tab. Only difference is you can keep the excitement of looting and finding new equipment.


To the Poster who said there's still rares to find, obviously there is. However the vast majority are either useless to the class your playing and thus can be sold for a pittance on the GTN, or you can wear them, but then the stats are worse than your modded gear, so again you can sell them on the GTN for a pittance.


Again appearance tab, then everyone can have the best of both worlds.


Never gonna happen in this game though, too much like hard work for them/not enough profit in.


Appearance tab would have been great, would save so much space in my bags.But it's not just wanting to look a certain way from level 1, there's some high twenties, early thirties gear I love the look of but it's no use to me beyond level 40 at the most, and it's the only look of it's kind, no moddable version whatsoever. The way I see it, everything should be made moddable, then everyone is happy. You still get your excitement from looting and would have the ability to mod it with your current gear if you wanted.

It was originally going to be like that in the beginning with quest rewards being mods, but people complained and now we're stuck with this strange mix of non-moddable, moddable and adaptive gears, with some of the cool armour styles / colours being the non-moddable variety.

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