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Team Deathmatch


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I LOVE the new addition. It makes TDM much more entertaining. You can sit in their capital ships and plant mines and rail gun turrets and instant kill anything that spawns.


Wondered how long it would take someone to exploit the LOS issues with mines and drones like this.

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We need a hotfix ASAP to change it back, and then come back with a better solution. Current setup is horrible. HORRIBLE.


And no I'm not just crying because I'm getting farmed. My 1st match today I had 10 kills, 27 assists, and we won 50 to 13. That was the CLOSEST match I've been in today. One side has a slight edge and they just absolutely dominate. If you're on the losing side there's no way to organize a formation to defend yourself or to set up a counter-attack. You're on the defensive from the start ALL THE TIME, and spread out because you have to respawn at diferent points instead of together. It's horrible, and I can't imagine many new players will stay for that kind of constant beating.


Dogfight? You mean 1 vs 2 and then 2 gunships pick you off? That's the experience for losing sides now.


If something doesn't change soon then even I will quit, and I can pick to be on the dominant side (Repub on my server) any time I want since I play both factions.

Edited by ptwonline
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