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Solo Ranked Rating Bug/Issue/Glitch/***?


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Wrapped up a dismal night of PVP late in the evening/early morning today with a rating of 1196. Came back this evening and decided I'd que for GSF and ranked solo matches and take whichever popped first (canceling the que for the one that didn't).


Well after three matches of GSF, a ranked match popped (my first since logging late last night). We won the two rounds and I returned to fleet. Upon checking my rating I discovered that despite the win, my rating went down 4 points. I was pretty sure this wasn't a possibility. So I double checked the website's leaderboards to confirm my previous rating and sure enough I went from 1196 to 1192 despite winning the match.


So I took screens of both the leaderboard for my previous rating and my in game rating.


Now I realize that some immediate thoughts would be that I'm lying, and that in reality I lost a match, and then won a match... but I have no prove this as I didn't screen my in game rating prior to taking the pop. So... hopefully the folks at Bioware can back track on this and figure out what the heck happened.


Here's a screen of my rating following the match in game:



Here's a screen of the leaderboards taken following the match as well:



I don't know, but this whole rating thing in solo ranked is a pain enough as it is without the system itself screwing me up.

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