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Leap Mechanic


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This has likely been posted many times, yet I will do so again. I will whine and drivel about it because it is a senseless broken mechanic that was working fine for a year. Then all of a sudden a patch comes along and breaks this mechanic. Not completely mind you, but just enough to frustrate the hell out of you during PVP. This is an essential part of a Warriors arsenal and critical component in being a viable part in select warzones.


I am sure the Devs know how it is broken, but just in case it has escaped their notice with the multiple posts surrounding this issue, I shall endeavor to enlighten once again.


Warrior has the Huttball...is running and barely surviving to the pit of the opposing team...warrior LEAPS to an enemy that is what appears to be a foot back from the ledge...warrior falls to the floor below and continues to get wailed on...Warrior backs up and INTERCEDES to a friendly target that is once again a foot or so from the ledge...warrior falls....warrior dies because he is still repeatedly getting beat on...the other team LOL's and carries on with mechanics that DO work properly for THEM (not Leap). Grats on failing your LEAP twice now Juggy. GG.


Lets get this fixed Bioware. If it is now working as intended, then it is now a crappy ability. Either way, not a very good mechanic at this point..

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