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ALL Sorc issues


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Not spell checking this or Grammar checking it...GET OVER IT and focus on the Issues!


Number 1: Apparently after 2 years BIO has no clue about this waste of an ability.

Ability: Polarity Shift...The way this reads you can either take the term interrupt literally or a single move like JOLT.

Since I have to explain this to BIO its apparent none of the sorcs they role have a clue. When you hit Polarity Shift its allows for a 20% boost to alacrity...AND...IMMUNE to interrupts...apparently BIO is only referring to the actual ability from a class that says this is an interrupt...BIGGEST WASTE...1 if it says IMMUNE to interrupts that's what it should be...that means CCS...pushbacks and actual interrupts...lower the time on it fine but to have this move while FF which who doesn't know to target a sorc...it does nothing...Either fix this ability or get rid of it...EXAMPLE...cast force lighting or intervate with polarity shift active then get push back or cc read what is flashed on your screen...


Number 2: What idiot came up with Force Barrier...let me put my hands up and let everyone know im dead in 10 secs...when how many classes get some kind of moveable immunity for a short time...its a utter waste and to be honest what part of stand there with your hands up is fun or useful...I already know the response on this and get it BIO this is a terrible ability with little reward.


Number 3: SO again I guess I have to educate BIO...HOW MANY other RANGED classes have 1 instant stun...1 BIO 1 freakin instant stun....not only is this seriously short sided when ALL other classes have multiple stuns but they went and made A SQUISHY NO DEFENSIVE sorc have a CLOSE range CC...LOL??????????????...any common sense on this move BIO....ALL ranged have RANGED CCS....OMG...image that....not only that but ALL other ranged classes have SOME KIND of Defensive...lol yet sorcs have about 3000 defense rating in WZ no defensive and 1 inst stun...lol ok bio...heres there counter...(BUT your a Heal to FULL class) dumbest response I have heard because yall have no clue how to play the class.


Number 4. HEAL TO FULL ISSUE...BIO have you ever ran a SORC...what do healers get BIO...FOCUS FIRE RIGHT...pretty simple....yet we have a self heal inst and resurgence...so unless you can sit there and hide and heal...which guess what not going to happen vs ANY decent player...you have the nerve to say its a heal to full classes...WANNA KNOW how it is...RUNNNNNNNNNNNNN away hide heals...o yea awesome game play there...you bring little support to heals and you spend more time running to heal yourself then helping...lol heal to full...ANY CLASS can run to a corner and either get out of combat to heal or hide and heal themselves a little bit...you insult people that ACTUALLY know the sorc to say its a VIABLE arena class and a HTF class...I CHALLANGE ANY BIO person with a sorc to come into any wz and get the least amount of Focus Fire and think its a Viable class to run and hide and heal...or here try to go DPS sorc and see how long you last in a ARENA...its complete crap....


Number 5: Every Other heal class has some kind of heal that you can place on someone to heal while there either kiting or switching to next person...Sorc we have serious CAST based heals...and since Polarity Shift is uselss without full resolv you seriously need to reexamine the frustration of a sorc...and o fyi...EVEN with FULL reslov and Polarity Shift theres still pushback...lol great call on 2 years later missing that little chess nut...Instead of buffing OPS...which who doesn't know are the OP heals class...how about yall think how to even up sorcs...but you don't you buff ops dps...lol SERIOUSY.


Number 6:: Again BIO...fix polarity shift or give us something useful...get rid of force barrier by fair the dumbest concept or let it act like SHROUD for shorter time...GIVE ANOTHER INST CC this is by far the worse oversite...RANGED CLASS...1 close ranged CC..???...no sense there...and last if your going to give us the WORST gear in the game...GIVE A DEFENSIVE no clue why this isn't happening...O wait I know HTF...by far shows no real insight to actual game play as a sorc getting ANY focus fire...instead when arenas came out u insulted some of the best sorcs in the game saying they don't know how to play the class...lol other way around...here I will do this you pay me and I will give you the BEST Hybrid for a sorc because every other FULL tree spec has serious issues...doubt me...let me know the next time you manage 600k dps and 600k heals in a full tree spec in the same wz...YALL need to learn how to play sorc because the crap your coming up with to respond to be peoples issues is seriously shorty sighted....but yea we don't know how to play a HTF class making this the most laughed at concept ACROSS THE WHOLE GAME...lol guess why....if the masses r telling you its really not...prob should listen...or get on a sorc let people know and I will be happy to get people together to show you just how bad you have made the sorc...


Last Thing: Some will say sorcs can do great things on both dps and heals...yea if LEFT ALONE...but what class couldn't put up numbers LEFT alone...and the fact is...EVERYONE sees a sorc in a wz even a 10 yr old knows look a sorc easy kill...when you fig out why yall can apologize for insulting people by telling them when arenas hit that we don't know how to play the class...AND if you think running for your life the whole game is playing lol yall need serious help on what is viable and fun!

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1. Use polarity shift when whitebarred for maximum effect (and that CC immunity), problem solved

2. They're buffing Force Barrier in 2.7 in some weird attempt to make it more useful. For now, realize that you can ground-target abilities--INCLUDING CYBERTECH GRENADES--from within the Force Barrier. Barrier up, throw a seismic grenade before it ends, the enemies around you are now CCed and you have a couple precious seconds to get the hell out of dodge.

3. Merc ranged stun was nerfed too bro; they're in the same boat as us. You can thank the utterly resolve-breaking 1.4 patch for this, and yes Bioware was clearly braindead at the time.

4. L2bubble, unnatural preservation, they're both instant. You can use recklessness on the UP to make it around 85% chance to crit, which helps a lot

5. See number 4

6. We're not getting another defensive cooldown, Bioware told us to heal to full and make them pay instead, so focus any feedback on new ways to H2F/MTP

7. I'm sadomasochistic; I enjoy the challenge


8. TL;DR: L2P

9: Oooowwwww, my eyes, you made me pay :mad:


(Damn I know sorcs have issues, but no one from Bioware will ever take a post like yours seriously because it's so painful to read)

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1. Use polarity shift when whitebarred for maximum effect (and that CC immunity), problem solved

2. They're buffing Force Barrier in 2.7 in some weird attempt to make it more useful. For now, realize that you can ground-target abilities--INCLUDING CYBERTECH GRENADES--from within the Force Barrier. Barrier up, throw a seismic grenade before it ends, the enemies around you are now CCed and you have a couple precious seconds to get the hell out of dodge.

3. Merc ranged stun was nerfed too bro; they're in the same boat as us. You can thank the utterly resolve-breaking 1.4 patch for this, and yes Bioware was clearly braindead at the time.

4. L2bubble, unnatural preservation, they're both instant. You can use recklessness on the UP to make it around 85% chance to crit, which helps a lot

5. See number 4

6. We're not getting another defensive cooldown, Bioware told us to heal to full and make them pay instead, so focus any feedback on new ways to H2F/MTP

7. I'm sadomasochistic; I enjoy the challenge


8. TL;DR: L2P

9: Oooowwwww, my eyes, you made me pay :mad:


(Damn I know sorcs have issues, but no one from Bioware will ever take a post like yours seriously because it's so painful to read)


Wasn't too painful to read lol just saying, but you both do have points to what is really happening due to the lack of Bioware being on top of each class to know that differences each patch will make or break. Yet its a Challenge to play the class nonetheless and yes, I'm not worried about winning as aposed to having more fun with the class.

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