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Looking for a raiding guild.


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I am a long time player, having completed each story line with the exception of the Jedi Warrior, mid 30's on that one. I have done progression raiding through EV and KP, Denova etc. I took a hiatus just after Hutt Cartel dropped and have recently enjoyed a resurgence for the game. I currently have 2 level 55 toons, with several others coming along. One is an assassin tank, the other is a sorc that I can spec either as heal or dps, equally proficient in either spec, as needed for the group.


I am looking for a drama free group with established raid groups and rules, voice chat server in use, and laid back players that know how to enjoy the game for itself, not coming online because its raid nite and you have to. I enjoy all aspects of the game, pve as well as pvp, although my skills in pvp are shall we say somewhat less than my pve, probably due to less practice. Anyway, I look forward to seeing what's available out there for me, and to meeting new friends.

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