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Introduction/Picture Thread


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I'm Scopeseven/Scopeate a female sorc healer and op healer. Nice to see a fellow gamer girl on this server! You're always welcome here ;) We should totally play together sometime and show these stupid boys hows its done :p


Here's me last Saturday just chillin playin some playstation in my dorm! I took it with my brand new nikon!!! :D




Holla at me in game girly <3

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so many mean (albeit funny) things i could say about so many of the people who have posted but ill refrain since none of it affects me in any way.


canada sucks and all those tanks you play with suck too though...


and im prettier than any of the girls who play on this server (except scope).

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I'm Scopeseven/Scopeate a female sorc healer and op healer. Nice to see a fellow gamer girl on this server! You're always welcome here ;) We should totally play together sometime and show these stupid boys hows its done :p


Here's me last Saturday just chillin playin some playstation in my dorm! I took it with my brand new nikon!!! :D




Holla at me in game girly <3


can i tap that?

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Quick, close the thread before Aciddropper and Elizabeth show up


Im pretty sure Elizabeth was nice to everyone and never asked for attention or posted any pics of herself...even though she was both much better looking and much more skilled than any other female that plays on this server...just saying...drama came looking for her not the other way around.


Obviously every time a female starts a "picture thread" on an mmo forum its "look at me im a real life girl" but whatever. A lot of the nerds that play this game enjoy this kind of stuff and it strengthens their hopes of not dying a virgin...so i say carry on with the pictures and the purple and any other festivities she has planned. (though i think the "warm welcome" has probably steered her more towards the wildstar forums at this point)

Edited by LegendaryQuan
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Im pretty sure Elizabeth was nice to everyone and never asked for attention or posted any pics of herself...even though she was both much better looking and much more skilled than any other female that plays on this server...


whoa.... pretty sure im better looking and nicer. who is this elizabeth sloot

Edited by Tommytwotoes
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Im pretty sure Elizabeth was nice to everyone and never asked for attention or posted any pics of herself...even though she was both much better looking and much more skilled than any other female that plays on this server...just saying...drama came looking for her not the other way around.


Obviously every time a female starts a "picture thread" on an mmo forum its "look at me im a real life girl" but whatever. A lot of the nerds that play this game enjoy this kind of stuff and it strengthens their hopes of not dying a virgin...so i say carry on with the pictures and the purple and any other festivities she has planned. (though i think the "warm welcome" has probably steered her more towards the wildstar forums at this point)


Bahaha dw man. Im sure acid dropper will let you sniff his balls. Quan plz dont post a pic of ur hot gf who clearly puts every one in heres mrs/mr to shame...u will ruin us. And dude, im glad to see the most random player that ever lived live and active again farming me and everyone else on the server.


Looking forward to the mean things. Myself and a few others can go all day (if I remember to read) ill try to reply though if u want to get it started (oh wait I already did that)

Edited by Kooziejr
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i can't believe you guys would insinuate attention whore just because somebody posts a RL picture / introduction thread on the forums.


why do you guys have to be such trolling douchebags? you guys should try to be nicer to people. i mean, its not like they ever did anything to you. god.

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i can't believe you guys would insinuate attention whore just because somebody posts a RL picture / introduction thread on the forums.


why do you guys have to be such trolling douchebags? you guys should try to be nicer to people. i mean, its not like they ever did anything to you. god.


We are all pathetic virgins with hopeless dead end jobs and this makes us feel better.

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i can't believe you guys would insinuate attention whore just because somebody posts a RL picture / introduction thread on the forums.


why do you guys have to be such trolling douchebags? you guys should try to be nicer to people. i mean, its not like they ever did anything to you. god.

you and icressi are related or something?

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More people should post pictures instead of talking about *******. I know they're super fun to talk about!


The moment you can insult me or make a joke that I haven't heard, then I'll be impressed.




Two rednecks, Billy Joe and Jim Bob decide to go hunting. Having forgotten to pack a lunch Jim Bob stops in at the gas station and buys an egg salad sandwich. A few hours out into the woods they manage to spot and shoot a deer, but right about halfway through the cleaning process Jim Bob starts to feel the natural effects of eating a gas station egg salad sandwich.


"I'll be right back Billy Joe, I gotta go take a ****"


"Sure thing Jim Bob, I'll just finish up over here."


Billy Joe, about half a case of coors deep and elbow deep in deer guts suddenly gets an idea, gathers up the viscera and sneaks off into the woods after Jim Bob. Finding him in some serious and noisy distress he sneaks up behind him, using the groans of a man who ate a gas station egg salad sandwich to cover his moving through the brush and slides the viscera under Jim Bob's ***, then creeps back to where the deer is to finish the skinning process.


About 20 minutes later Jim Bob slowly makes his way back through the brush, with a worried look on his face and clutching at his stomach.


"Billy Joe, I just **** my guts out!"


Barely able to contain his laughter Billy Joe replies, "I tole ya not to eat nutthin from a gas station Jim Bob."


Tears welling up in his eyes Jim Bob replies, Naw billy joe, I literally **** my guts out, but by the grace of god and these two fingers I shoved em back in."

Edited by Raazmir
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  • 1 month later...
I was just browsing the forums since I'm new on this server and I didn't see an introduction thread! I usually post on these so I can get to know the faces of the community. So I want to make one since there isn't one that I can see. I see a lot of transfers here and I figured that it would be nice to see faces and to see what classes everyone plays!



1.) Be nice and respectful, we don't want this thread deleted.

2.) No nudies :p

3.) You can post a picture, but it's not required!


My name is Damsyl, and I'm the guild leader of Battlestation Sexywagon (which was born on Shii-Cho almost two years ago). I play an operative healer and you'll usually see me with Rahc, Jericho, Sickle, Keglez or Yamiex. Healing is what I do, and I've been doing it for 15 years now. I'm happy to see that there is a PvP community (although the number of guilds who actively que in ranked 4v4s seem to be short, maybe the new tier 1 rewards will encourage people to que up). I came from Jedi Covanent (formally Shii-Cho) so the PvP community on that server is pretty dead so I'm happy to have it here!


It's nice meeting you guys, I've already noticed that I'm being focused more in PvP. So keep it fun!

Here's a picture of me



And here is a picture of Space Cat the Bacon Rider



Hey on behalf of everyone on Bastion, We truly apologize for everyone breaking your first ground rule. I'm sure people aren't purposely trying to chase off people. The internet in the last few years has become insanely anti-women. I'm sure this community isn't a reflection of that (sarcasm). Welcome to the Bastion!!!


I'm HiddenPalm, you can find me on Twitch. I'd post a pic, but things got a little awkward on this thread, especially with that gamer girl meme. That was real wack and I can only imagine it made the OP feel like crap. I kind of don't even want to come here anymore.


Namedropping. Reported.

I think I'll give the forums a break for a bit now.



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this thread right here is one of the reason everyone went to pot5 or somewhere else 85 percent of this server is complete *********** douchebag trolls. I don't think i have ever agreed with vespel on anything ever but he is right. Damsyl it was a nice try but not for this server they are all try hard *********** trolls that think they are hot ****.


p.s. scope you better watch out you don't want scold to find out your cheating on him XD


yea thats reason people went to pot5......

you're an idiot. shut up

game is dead, people went to pot5 to play with other people who enjoy this dead game.

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