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PVP Season 1-The Participation Awards!


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Its really not bioware's fault. Its more of the community for setting the bar low


It is Biowares fault,its completely their fault.When they made the epic decision to replace 8 man ranked with arenas it more then HALFED the pvp commuinity on tofn.


They should of kept 8 man ranked,more people would still be around to play arenas when they aren't playing 8 man,there would be more competition,more pops and people with higher rating.But now arena teams are dropping like flies,losing players left right and center,forcing teams to use worse players to replace the main players that leave the game,lowering the skill in arenas etc etc,its just sad BW didn't see this coming,soon there will be 2-3 teams max on tofn.

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Its really not bioware's fault. Its more of the community for setting the bar low


Or maybe it is in fact Bioware's fault for being unable to encourage competitive PvP until yesterday?


Yesterday we had 7-10 teams queuing simultaneous. That's five times as many as we have under normal conditions. For once the matchmaker did what it was supposed to, and we all had fun matches, something that hasn't happened until yesterday.


If Bioware had announced these rewards at the start of season 1, or better yet, revealed rewards in stages, bit by bit, participation would have been huge, and pretty much everyone decent would be above 1500 rating.


Atm, 2.5% of the players are over 1500. You really think that the almost 19000 others among us are so bad we can't wind 10 matches? No, most of simply haven't even played 10 matches till yesterday.

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