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Not leaving for ESO yet


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Aside from not liking my class-story mixed with PvP, I am under the impression that they aren't especially confident. The amount and kind of boni for pre-order and collectors-edition look to me like an attempt to seperate people from a maximum amount of money before the project goes belly-up.


The other thing that convinces me that it is not my game, no matter how pretty it is, is the apparent heavy endgame focus on RvR. I don't mind PvP-minigames, but I won't invest the necessary amount of dedication and organisation to hold castles or whole country parts against sleepless 3 am raiders, just so some PvP-fanatic can call himself emperor until the next reset. That would be even more annoying than having to plan my life around progress-raids, for me.


When it becomes F2P I look into it.

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Here is my feelings on this:

Will people leave SWTOR and go to ESO? Yes.

Will we see a decrease in players on SWTOR? No.

Since F2P there hasn't been a decrease in players. Even with the roadmap new players are coming daily.

And if you like SWTOR and ESO why not play both? I play multiple games all the time.

Edited by LegoUniverseBC
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Yup... and apparantly it is supposed to happen not just once but "a couple of times" during your main story.

Can't be skipped...


Sounds like hell to a non PvP player.


Yeah, okay... that's pretty lame...

I like to dabble in the occasional PvP, so it's not a complete dealbreaker for me, but it's still a stupid move on their part to push people who are only playing for the story into the gigantic gankfest that is PvP.

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I never saw anything that forced me into PvP but perhaps I didn't get far enough into the game. I imagine it may be more a matter of quests taking you into Cyrodiil which is where the PVP takes place (as opposed to forcing you into actual PVP), which could be bad but the map is freaking huge and perhaps you don't have to encounter enemy players.
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I never saw anything that forced me into PvP but perhaps I didn't get far enough into the game. I imagine it may be more a matter of quests taking you into Cyrodiil which is where the PVP takes place (as opposed to forcing you into actual PVP), which could be bad but the map is freaking huge and perhaps you don't have to encounter enemy players.


Exactly, nothing forces you to PVP in that game, so that guy has obviously not played it

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I never saw anything that forced me into PvP but perhaps I didn't get far enough into the game. I imagine it may be more a matter of quests taking you into Cyrodiil which is where the PVP takes place (as opposed to forcing you into actual PVP), which could be bad but the map is freaking huge and perhaps you don't have to encounter enemy players.


Being forced into a PvP zone for questing is bad for players who do not wish to PvP. And if this MMO is going to be as popular as people proclaim, you will run into other players. And don't think there won't be groups of players hell bent on hunting lowbies down.

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I never saw anything that forced me into PvP but perhaps I didn't get far enough into the game. I imagine it may be more a matter of quests taking you into Cyrodiil which is where the PVP takes place (as opposed to forcing you into actual PVP), which could be bad but the map is freaking huge and perhaps you don't have to encounter enemy players.


If they send you there for a certain quest it's only a matter of time before the griefers find out which spot to camp though.


Exactly, nothing forces you to PVP in that game, so that guy has obviously not played it


I hope you are right. Maybe it will have certain non-PvP areas, like Ilum?

Edited by Callaron
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What's with the "forced pvp" train still going?


It doesn't exist... too many "I heard.." "There is supposed to be..." comments that are just false speculation. The one "forced" aspect is making one WANT to be part of the huge PvP battles for fun and eventual possibility of being crowned Emperor.


There are missions there, but for that specific area, not some "Oh you can never continue EVER, if you don't go here."

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What's with the "forced pvp" train still going?


It doesn't exist... too many "I heard.." "There is supposed to be..." comments that are just false speculation. The one "forced" aspect is making one WANT to be part of the huge PvP battles for fun and eventual possibility of being crowned Emperor.


There are missions there, but for that specific area, not some "Oh you can never continue EVER, if you don't go here."


I'm someone who just wants to PvE in peace, I don't want to be forced into any sort of PvP area for a quest.

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