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My question to our dear SWTOR Devs...when are we going to be able to send out more than 5 companions at a time?

You give us the option of having 8 all together on one character but can only send out 5. Even if you don't get the extra companions, you still have 6 with only 5 that you're able to send out. I get the whole, you should have 1 companion while you're out doing stuff but what about when you are just on fleet or doing PvP? I think you should have access yo sending out all the companions you have if you so choose.



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They already stated why they do not want you to send out more than five companions at once, and the reason for that was so that players who did not purchase the additional compansions are not at an unfair disadvantage compared to those that did. Therefore, don't expect to see this changing anytime soon. ;) Edited by Jerba
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